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Archives - Weekly Update

Next week, on Tuesday, August 27th, Bookreporter will turn 28! I still remember that first day when we launched on…wait for it…AOL! Yes, that proves how old we are (I still can hear that dial-up sound). At the time, it was a choice between being hosted on AOL, Prodigy or CompuServe! It feels like a lifetime ago --- and yesterday. Here’s a look at our first home screen.

Last Saturday, as planned, I went on a pack horse ride in Beaver Creek, Colorado, with my friend, Heidi. In the photos above, she is the one who looks the part! I swung into the saddle and took stock of the space between the ground and me, and I gulped a bit. Then I was reminded that these horses are trained to follow one another like lemmings on the ride up the mountain.

Last Friday night, Husband Tom (as opposed to Editorial Director Tom) and I flew to Denver. We were headed to Colorado to attend a Celebration of Life for our dear friend, Bob Knous, which was held yesterday. I was honored to be asked to give a eulogy and appreciated the opportunity to meet a lot of his family members and friends. So many wonderful stories were shared. Bob was Greg’s godfather, and we think of him and his family as extended parts of ours, so it meant a lot to us to be in Vail to celebrate his amazing life.

People always are asking me what is next up on my reading pile. I actually have four two-foot-high piles of recently published or upcoming books that I want to read. I went through them, and above are the ones that I am looking forward to reading in the next couple of weeks. There have been so many books that I have enjoyed reading this summer. But I always seem to have a recently released book that I have not read --- and I feel like I am behind!