My three commentaries on last week’s Super Bowl. First, our good friend Cathy joined us, bringing 23-year-old Ze, a young guy from Portugal who just started working with her. This was his first football game, and my husband was eager to explain it to him. It proved more difficult than he planned. It’s hard to start the game with a safety and share that this “rarely happens” and then describe what the play is and why it mattered, especially as it happened 12 seconds into the game. Second, when the Coca-Cola commercial came on, the controversial thoughts it stirred up about immigrants never entered my head. Instead, I assigned Ze to tell us if he heard any Portuguese. He did not. As for the rest of the game, I sum it up like this. If Peyton was an author, it was like someone took his manuscript and then edited in a different outcome to every scene as he looked on in horror. Congrats to the Seahawks and their fans!