Last Saturday, I drove down to Toms River for a terrific book group event hosted by the Ocean County Library System. It was pouring rain on the drive down and back. As I was heading down the Parkway, I was wondering if the weather would hurt attendance, thus I was really happy to walk into a very full room of readers. I did not know anyone there, but at check-in, I met a woman named Sue who suggested we sit together. We immediately fell into conversation, chatting about books and life, and ended up eagerly chatting with the other women at our table. I was rattling off book suggestions as I dropped into “book concierge” mode. The program was chock full of information and book group suggestions. We played a lively game of Book Trivia (our table scored 8 out of 10), and for an added bonus, I had the pleasure of meeting Betty, one of our readers, which was really lovely.