I personally think that every month should have at least one loooooong weekend. Seriously. There is something wonderful about anticipating the 1,000 ways I will spend an extra weekend day. And trust me, there always are 1,000 with me.
Last week, I mentioned that I was looking forward to escaping with reading over the weekend. I had manuscripts of upcoming books to read, all downloaded and ready to go on my iPad. Life was good until Saturday night when the iPad began to turn itself off every few minutes. This led to the kind of reading I loathe: message board trolling for how to conquer tech issues and outreach via Facebook to my “hive” for ideas. (Of course, my AppleCare two-year plan had expired). I did a backup, I did the network reinstall, the factory reinstall --- same problem. I was frustrated by being mired in tech issues instead of reading.