Bookreporter.com Newsletter |
January 25, 2013 |
Between Chocolate Cakes, There is Reading!
Around our house, we are in birthday mode. My sons have birthdays five days apart from each other, which means that chocolate frosting is on the agenda big time. Cory’s 18th birthday the other day was his last at home for a few years as he is a senior in high school, and I was just as sappy about this as you might expect. I already am thinking about how I will get a fudge marble cake to him at whatever college he attends! Greg’s 23rd on Monday is not any milestone, but makes me realize that soon I MAY have to give up telling people that I am 27.
Last weekend, we went to see Silver Linings Playbook and I really recommend it. I regret not having read the book first so I could compare them. Watching it made me wonder who read it and visualized it working on the big screen. I love the stories behind the movies like that. And confession here. I had no idea that Bradley Cooper who stars in it was People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive. This is what happens when you live in a house where at 7:00 when “Access Hollywood” and “Extra” come on, your husband says, “Do we REALLY need to watch this?” And you turn the TV off. I keep telling him I am watching for work, and he just does NOT get it. I think I need to DVR these shows and watch them while doing something like riding the exercise bike (I always need something ELSE to do when riding the exercise bike since pedaling is not enough) JUST so I can stay on top of important news like this.
Monday night I watched “The Following” on FOX. Now for weeks, during every football game on FOX, the announcers have talked about this show and always added the caveat “Viewer discretion advised.” Being an adult I thought, What’s the big deal? Well, Monday night I found out when, during the entire show, I was hit with one surprise after the other. Let’s just say that no one is who they seem to be, and I am not sure if I could ever live in a townhouse where my home abuts a neighbor’s. If you watched, you know what I mean. I think this show could be huge, and for all of you who, like me, like plots with serial killers (I know, what does that say about me?), watch Monday night and find a way to catch up on last week’s show. And, oh, this IS book-related as there are many Edgar Allan Poe references --- and Kevin Bacon’s character (I recognize him because everyone is six degrees separated from him, and I know this without watching celebrity gossip shows) has written a book.
For all of you “Downton Abbey” fans, you must check out this weekly spoof of episodes one, two and three as they would have evolved on Facebook. It’s clever, and you know how much I LOVE clever.
I finished PALISADES PARK last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. By the way, my non-pop-culture-savvy husband CAN sing a few lines of the jingle I shared with you last week, which means that in his youth, pop culture was a part of his life! We will have much more about this book for you in the months to come before its April 9th on-sale date.
I am now reading GARDEN OF STONES by Sophie Littlefield, which will be out on February 26th. The backdrop of the story is a Japanese internment camp, and I am captivated over how this storyline is unfolding. It keeps tugging me to read it, even when I should be doing other things. I also am reading LEAN IN: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, which will be in stores on March 11th. Sheryl is the COO of Facebook and in this book is expanding on the ideas that she first outlined last year at a TED Talk about women in the workforce. As a woman who has been running a company for 17 years, there is a lot of wisdom here --- and I cringe as I see some of the things I have done through the years when I “held back” instead of asserting myself because I was thinking more about being polite than I was about doing what I should do. I find myself “leaning in” a lot more this week as I read, and I think about how I should approach certain situations with this frame of mind. You will hear LOTS more about this book here in the months to come.
Fresh off the publication of ROGUE, his novel featuring CIA agent Robin Monarch, Mark Sullivan teams up with James Patterson once again for a new addition to Patterson’s Private series. Mark first joined forces with Patterson for 2012’s PRIVATE GAMES, and now he follows that up with PRIVATE BERLIN. Chris Schneider is a superstar agent at Private Berlin, Germany's headquarters for the world's most powerful investigation firm. When Chris suddenly disappears, Mattie Engel, another one of Private Berlin's top agents and Chris's ex, throws herself into finding him. She follows three potential suspects, any one of whom would surely want Chris gone --- and one of them is evil enough to want him dead. Joe Hartlaub has our review and says, “Patterson has always been an expert at conceiving chilling villains of his many pieces, and with Sullivan, he achieves new heights (or would that be depths?) of terror with the Invisible Man. And while the story proceeds at breakneck speed...Patterson and Sullivan create plenty of scenes that readers will not soon forget.” My copy arrived at the house last night, and those of you who know what a fan I am of Mark’s will know how much I look forward to reading this co-written book.
We came across two terrific articles about their collaboration to share with you. Both writers discuss their experiences writing the Private series in this Washington Post article, and in this Publishers Weekly piece, Mark shares some of the writing advice that Patterson has given him in the two-and-a-half years they’ve worked together.
Jennifer Chiaverini takes a break from her bestselling Elm Creek Quilts series to pen MRS. LINCOLN’S DRESSMAKER, which chronicles the friendship between Mary Todd Lincoln and Elizabeth Keckley, a slave who earned her freedom through her skill with a needle and thread. Reviewer Melanie Smith says, "Jennifer Chiaverini has researched her history well, and writes elegantly and formally.... Any reader interested in President Lincoln, Civil War history, or historical fiction should love this book. I enjoyed it immensely and recommend it highly." We also have an interview with Chiaverini, in which she talks about her inspiration for the book, which is her first stand-alone historical novel, and the bond --- as well as the eventual falling out --- between Mary and Elizabeth.
Another historical fiction title we’re reviewing this week is THE LAST RUNAWAY, the latest from GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING author Tracy Chevalier. Honor Bright is a modest English Quaker who moves to Ohio in 1850. Sick from the journey and forced by family tragedy to immediately rely on help from strangers, Honor realizes that in a country that still allows slavery, principles count for little. When drawn into helping with the Underground Railroad, she finally finds her principles put to use. Amie Taylor raves about the book in her review: “THE LAST RUNAWAY...is truly one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. Perhaps as a native Ohioan with Quaker roots who is married to an Englishman, I'm biased, but the descriptions of Honor's feelings regarding the strangeness of America when compared to England are remarkably similar to the impressions expressed by my own husband during his time here…. For a fictional character, Honor's thoughts contain an amazing ring of truth that hit home with me regularly throughout my reading.”
Our Eighth Annual Valentine’s Day contest is live! We’re giving five readers the opportunity to win 10 love-themed books --- ALL THERE IS by Dave Isay, THE AVIATOR’S WIFE by Melanie Benjamin, DANCERS AMONG US by Jordan Matter, THE LOVE DOG by Elsa Watson, MISTRESS OF MY FATE by Hallie Rubenhold, ONE MONTH TO LOVE by Kerry and Chris Shook, QUIET by Susan Cain, RULES OF CIVILITY by Amor Towles, S.E.C.R.E.T. by L. Marie Adeline, and SWOON by Betsy Prioleau --- along with some delicious Ghirardelli chocolates. All you have to do is let us know which character from a book you’d like to share a Valentine moment with. Please fill out this form by Friday, February 8th at noon ET for your chance to win. We want to try to have the gifts to the winners by the 14th!
If you know any teens, please spread the word to them about the Valentine’s Day Contest we posted this week on Teenreads.com. Like the promotion on Bookreporter.com, teens can enter for their chance to win some great titles --- CATHERINE by April Lindner, CITY OF A THOUSAND DOLLS by Miriam Forster, THE DARK UNWINDING by Sharon Cameron, KISS ME AGAIN by Rachel Vail, THE MADMAN’S DAUGHTER by Megan Shepherd, NOBODY BUT US by Kristin Halbrook, SPLINTERED by A.G. Howard, TAKE A BOW by Elizabeth Eulberg, and UNEARTHLY by Cynthia Hand --- plus a "Story Crush" coffee mug, heart-shaped Peeps, and Dove chocolates. Have them click here to enter by Friday, February 8th at noon ET and let us know which character from a book they would like to share a Valentine moment with.
THAT NIGHT ON THISTLE LANE is the second book in Carla Neggers’s Swift River Valley series, and we’re giving 25 readers the opportunity to win a copy of this romantic suspense title. Librarian Phoebe O’Dunn deals in stories, but her passion for history has taught her that happy endings are rare. Her life in Knights Bridge, Massachusetts, is safe and uneventful…until she discovers the hidden room. Click here to read more about the book, and to enter, please fill out this form by Tuesday, February 26th at noon ET.
We’d also like to remind you that our Spring Preview Contests will be kicking off on February 19th. To get into the action and have a chance to get the daily reports on the featured title of the day, click here to sign up for the Spring Preview Contest newsletter. It’s a great way to get a jump on the books we KNOW people will be talking about.
The latest book in our Paperback Spotlight is THE STARBOARD SEA by Amber Dermont, which was a Bookreporter.com Bets On selection when it released in hardcover. The paperback edition releases on January 29th, which gives me the perfect excuse to talk about the book again! This is the story of a young boy in boarding school who’s navigating the tricky waters of his senior year at an elite prep school, where he is haunted by the suicide of a friend. Set in 1987, it nails the timelessness of being an adolescent, but the story could just as easily take place today. Reviewer Norah Piehl says, "THE STARBOARD SEA is a thoughtful, reflective look at the depths of feeling that lie beneath the sparkling surface of Jason's affluent world."
This is the final week of our Paperback Spotlight for Kristin Hannah’s HOME FRONT, which is now available in paperback. From a distance, Michael and Joleen Zarkades seem to have it all. But after 12 years together, the couple has lost their way. Then the Iraq war starts, and an unexpected deployment will tear their already fragile family apart. Be sure to take a look at our review, an excerpt, and the reading group guide. There is much to talk about here, especially for book groups. And with the government’s decision this week that women WILL be allowed on the front lines of combat, there is a LOT here for readers to contemplate.
In July, readers in our Sneak Peak: An Early Look at an Upcoming Book feature won copies of THE PROMISE OF STARDUST by Priscille Sibley. The book is a love story that features a family torn apart by a medical crisis. It looks at the ethical decision of keeping a pregnant woman with no chance of recovery on life support for months in an attempt to give her unborn baby a chance at life. We gave the readers a series of questions to gauge their reactions to the book, and now we’re pleased to share some of their comments to give you insight into the story. Please note that ALL of the readers who participated in this project (there were more comments than those we are featuring here) gave THE PROMISE OF STARDUST high marks. We thank all of those who participated as early readers. For those of you who would like to read this gripping debut, the book releases on February 5th.
We’re curious about which books releasing in January and February you’re planning to read. Click here to take our poll and let us know!
We’re entering the second and final week of our current Word of Mouth contest. Let us know what you’re reading by Friday, February 1st at noon ET for your chance to win the aforementioned PRIVATE BERLIN, along with PROOF OF GUILT: An Inspector Ian Rutledge Mystery by Charles Todd and SHADOWKILLER by Wendy Corsi Staub (both of which we’ll be reviewing next week).
Note to our AOL Readers: For reasons that we still cannot understand, last week's newsletter did not make it to our AOL readers. We finally think we have this unraveled, but as AOL continues to pose issues for us, IF you have another email address, you may want to subscribe from that as well. I will send out LAST week's newsletter tomorrow morning. While some of the contest offers will have expired, you will see the features and reviews. A reminder: Our newsletters are always available for reading online at the site.
A weekend of reading, knitting, and more chocolate cake baking is on tap…and oh, a fire in the fireplace since the temps here are bitter cold. Read on….
Carol Fitzgerald (Carol@bookreporter.com)
PS. When you use the links below to purchase books, you also support Bookreporter.com as we have affiliate arrangements with each of them. Please consider this when shopping for books online!
Now in Stores: PRIVATE BERLIN by James Patterson and Mark Sullivan
PRIVATE BERLIN by James Patterson and Mark Sullivan (Thriller)
Chris Schneider is a superstar agent at Private Berlin, Germany's headquarters for the world's most powerful investigation firm. When Chris suddenly disappears, Mattie Engel, another one of Private Berlin's top agents and Chris's ex, throws herself into finding him. She follows three potential suspects, any one of whom would surely want Chris gone --- and one of them is evil enough to want him dead. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Read articles from The Washington Post and Publishers Weekly about the authors' collaboration.
Click here to read a review. |
Now in Stores: A MEMORY OF LIGHT by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
A MEMORY OF LIGHT: Book Fourteen, The Final Volume of The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson (Fantasy)
When Robert Jordan died in 2007, it was feared that the concluding scenes of his The Wheel of Time series would never be written. But working from notes and partials left by Jordan, established fantasy writer Brandon Sanderson stepped in to complete the masterwork. Following THE GATHERING STORM and TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, Sanderson now recreates the vision that Jordan left behind. Reviewed by Stephen Hubbard.
-Click here to read more about the book.
Click here to read a review. |
Bookreporter.com's Eighth Annual Valentine's Day Contest --- Enter to Win Books and Sweet Treats for Yourself or Your Valentine
The countdown to Valentine's Day is on! Are you stuck on what to buy your Valentine? Or perhaps you’re looking to treat yourself to something special? We have the bookish answer. From now through February 8th, readers will have the chance to win one of our five Bookreporter.com Valentine's Day prize packages, which includes one copy of each of our featured books and some delicious Ghirardelli chocolate.
To enter, please fill out this form and let us know which character from a book you’d like to spend a Valentine moment with.
Our featured Valentine’s Day titles are:
Click here to enter the contest. |
New Paperback Spotlight: THE STARBOARD SEA by Amber Dermont
THE STARBOARD SEA by Amber Dermont (Fiction)
Jason Prosper grew up in the elite world of Manhattan penthouses, Maine summer estates, old-boy prep schools, and exclusive sailing clubs. A smart, athletic teenager, Jason maintains a healthy, humorous disdain for the trappings of affluence, preferring to spend afternoons sailing with Cal, his best friend and boarding-school roommate. When Cal commits suicide during their junior year at Kensington Prep, Jason is devastated by the loss and transfers to Bellingham Academy. There, he meets Aidan, a fellow student with her own troubled past. They embark on a tender, awkward, deeply emotional relationship.
THE STARBOARD SEA, which was a Bookreporter.com Bets On selection when it released in hardcover last year, will be available in paperback on January 29th.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a review.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here to see why we’re betting you’ll love this book.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
-Click here to read critical praise.
-Click here to read Amber Dermont’s bio.
Click here to read more in our Paperback Spotlight. |
Special Contest: Win a Copy of THAT NIGHT ON THISTLE LANE by Carla Neggers
We are celebrating the January 29th release of THAT NIGHT ON THISTLE LANE, the second book in Carla Neggers' Swift River Valley series, with a special contest that will give 25 readers the opportunity to win a copy of the book. To enter, please fill out this form by Tuesday, February 26th at noon ET.
THAT NIGHT ON THISTLE LANE: A Swift River Valley Novel by Carla Neggers (Romantic Suspense)
Librarian Phoebe O’Dunn deals in stories, but her passion for history has taught her that happy endings are rare. Her life in Knights Bridge, Massachusetts, is safe and uneventful…until she discovers the hidden room. Among its secrets is a cache of vintage clothing, including a spectacular gown --- perfect for a gala masquerade in Boston. In the guise of a princess, Phoebe is captivated by a handsome swashbuckler who’s also adopted a more daring persona. Noah Kendrick’s wealth has made him wary, especially of women: everybody wants something.
When Noah and Phoebe meet again in Knights Bridge, at first neither recognizes the other. And neither one is sure they can trust the magic of the night they shared --- until an unexpected threat prompts them to unmask their truest selves. After all, it takes more than just the right costume to live out your personal fairy tale. It takes heart…and the courage to be more than you ever dreamed.
Click here to enter the contest. |
An Interview with Jennifer Chiaverini, Author of MRS. LINCOLN’S DRESSMAKER
Jennifer Chiaverini takes a break from her bestselling Elm Creek Quilts series to pen MRS. LINCOLN’S DRESSMAKER, which chronicles the friendship between Mary Todd Lincoln and Elizabeth Keckley, a slave who earned her freedom through her skill with a needle and thread. In this interview, Chiaverini talks about her inspiration for the book, which is her first stand-alone historical novel. She also explains why the First Lady remains an enigma, despite the volumes of historical and psychological research devoted to her; describes the bond --- and eventual falling out --- between Mary and Elizabeth; and pinpoints what it is about the antebellum and Civil War eras that especially intrigue her as a writer.
MRS. LINCOLN'S DRESSMAKER by Jennifer Chiaverini (Historical Fiction)
Jennifer Chiaverini presents a stunning account of the friendship that blossomed between Mary Todd Lincoln and her seamstress, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Keckley, a former slave who gained her professional reputation in Washington, D.C. by outfitting the city’s elite. Keckley made history by sewing for the First Lady within the White House, a trusted witness to many private moments between the President and his wife. Reviewed by Melanie Smith.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a review.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
Click here to read the interview. |
Now in Stores: THE LAST RUNAWAY by Tracy Chevalier
THE LAST RUNAWAY by Tracy Chevalier (Historical Fiction)
Honor Bright is a modest English Quaker who moves to Ohio in 1850. Sick from the journey and forced by family tragedy to immediately rely on help from strangers, Honor realizes that in a country that still allows slavery, principles count for little. When drawn into helping with the Underground Railroad, she finally finds her principles put to use. Reviewed by Amie Taylor.
-Click here to read more about the book.
Click here to read a review. |
Featured Women's Fiction Author: Pam Jenoff, Author of THE AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER
THE AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER by Pam Jenoff (Historical Fiction)
The world's leaders have gathered to rebuild from the ashes of the Great War. But for one woman, the City of Light harbors dark secrets and dangerous liaisons, for which many could pay dearly.
Brought to the peace conference by her father, a German diplomat, Margot Rosenthal initially resents being trapped in the congested French capital, where she is still looked upon as the enemy. But as she contemplates returning to Berlin and a life with Stefan, the wounded fiancé she hardly knows anymore, she decides that being in Paris is not so bad after all.
Bored and torn between duty and the desire to be free, Margot strikes up unlikely alliances: with Krysia, an accomplished musician with radical acquaintances and a secret to protect; and with Georg, the handsome, damaged naval officer who gives Margot a job --- and also a reason to question everything she thought she knew about where her true loyalties should lie.
THE AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER releases on January 29th.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here to read Pam Jenoff’s bio.
-Click here to visit Pam Jenoff’s official website.
-Connect with Pam Jenoff on Facebook and Twitter.
Click here to read more in our Women’s Fiction Author Spotlight. |
Featured Suspense/Thriller Author: Stefan Kanfer, Author of THE ESKIMO HUNTS IN NEW YORK
THE ESKIMO HUNTS IN NEW YORK by Stefan Kanfer (Thriller)
Jordan Gulok is an Inuit, an Eskimo in common parlance, and a former Navy SEAL. In his freelance capacity he can do things --- like tracking and on occasion killing malefactors --- that are beyond the authority of the uniformed services. Jordan has an expense account and liberty to travel throughout the U.S. In turn, the U.S. government has plausible deniability should he ever get caught stretching or violating the law. In THE ESKIMO HUNTS IN NEW YORK, Jordan’s assignment involves stopping a lethal international group who’s manufacturing illegal and sometimes toxic pharmaceuticals and selling them to victims in Africa, Asia, Europe and America.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a review.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here to read critical praise.
-Click here to read Stefan Kanfer’s bio.
-Click here to visit Stefan Kanfer’s official website.
-Connect with Stefan Kanfer on Facebook and Twitter.
Click here to read more in our Suspense/Thriller Author Spotlight. |
Introducing Bookreporter.com’s Enduring Bestseller Spotlight: Our First Featured Titles: THE KITE RUNNER and A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS by Khaled Hosseini
Here at Bookreporter.com, we spend a lot of time hunting for the latest gems in the world of publishing --- new releases that the industry is buzzing about. But sometimes we stop to reflect on books from years past that have affected us deeply, books that moved us and made us laugh or struck other emotional chords. In short, books that have stuck with us and that we still cherish. Our Enduring Bestseller Spotlight gives us a chance to go back and revisit some of those titles.
Our debut titles for this exciting new feature are THE KITE RUNNER and A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS by Khaled Hosseini --- and with it comes two opportunities to win books.
First, if you’ve read one or both of these books, we’d love for you to share your thoughts about them, which we will then post on the site. Please email your comments to info@bookreporter.com with the subject line “Thoughts on Khaled Hosseini’s Books” and include your first name, city and state with your replies. Those who do so by April 11th will be entered to win one of 25 copies of Hosseini’s highly anticipated forthcoming novel, AND THE MOUNTAINS ECHOED, which releases on May 21st.
However, if you have not read one or both of these books and would like to, you’re in luck! All you have to do is fill out this form by Thursday, February 7th at noon ET, and you will be entered to win one of 25 copies of THE KITE RUNNER and/or A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS and give us your feedback on these titles.
Two contests to celebrate two very beloved books!
THE KITE RUNNER by Khaled Hosseini (Fiction)
The unforgettable, heartbreaking story of the unlikely friendship between a wealthy boy and the son of his father's servant, THE KITE RUNNER is a beautifully crafted novel set in a country that is in the process of being destroyed. It is about the power of reading, the price of betrayal, and the possibility of redemption, and it is also about the power of fathers over sons --- their love, their sacrifices, their lies.
A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS by Khaled Hosseini (Fiction)
Propelled by the same superb instinct for storytelling that made THE KITE RUNNER a beloved classic, A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS is at once an incredible chronicle of 30 years of Afghan history and a deeply moving story of family, friendship, faith, and the salvation to be found in love.
Click here to read more in our Enduring Bestseller Spotlight and enter the contest. |
Featured Women’s Fiction Author: Melanie Benjamin, Author of THE AVIATOR’S WIFE
THE AVIATOR'S WIFE by Melanie Benjamin (Historical Fiction)
For much of her life, Anne Morrow, the shy daughter of the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, has stood in the shadows of those around her, including her millionaire father and vibrant older sister, who often steals the spotlight. Then Anne, a college senior with hidden literary aspirations, travels to Mexico City to spend Christmas with her family. There she meets Colonel Charles Lindbergh, fresh off his celebrated 1927 solo flight across the Atlantic. Enthralled by Charles’s assurance and fame, Anne is certain the celebrated aviator has scarcely noticed her. But she is wrong. Charles sees in Anne a kindred spirit, a fellow adventurer, and her world will be changed forever.
THE AVIATOR’S WIFE is our first Bookreporter.com Bets On selection of 2013.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a review.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here to see why we’re betting you’ll love this book.
-Click here to read Melanie Benjamin’s bio.
-Click here to read our interview with Melanie Benjamin.
-Click here to visit Melanie Benjamin’s official website.
-Connect with Melanie Benjamin on Facebook and Twitter.
Click here to read more in our Women’s Fiction Author Spotlight. |
Paperback Spotlight: HOME FRONT by Kristin Hannah
HOME FRONT by Kristin Hannah (Fiction)
Like many couples, Michael and Jolene Zarkades have to face the pressures of everyday life --- children, careers, bills, chores --- even as their 12-year marriage is falling apart. Then an unexpected deployment sends Jolene deep into harm’s way and leaves defense attorney Michael at home, unaccustomed to being a single parent to their two girls. As a mother, it agonizes Jolene to leave her family, but as a solider she has always understood the true meaning of duty. In her letters home, she paints a rose-colored version of her life on the front lines, shielding her family from the truth. But war will change Jolene in ways that none of them could have foreseen. When tragedy strikes, Michael must face his darkest fear and fight a battle of his own --- for everything that matters to his family.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a review.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
-Click here to read Kristin Hannah’s bio.
-Visit Kristin Hannah’s official website and blog.
-Click here to connect with Kristin Hannah on Facebook.
Click here to read more in our Paperback Spotlight. |
This Week’s Reviews
SUSPECT by Robert Crais (Thriller)
After a shocking assault killed his partner and nearly killed him, LAPD cop Scott James is an angry emotional wreck. Maggie is a German shepherd who survived three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan sniffing explosives, but when she lost her handler to an IED, she developed PTSD similar to Scott's. They are each other's last chance, and their case takes them through the darkest moments of their personal hells. Can the two survive together? Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
GRAND CENTRAL: How a Train Station Transformed America by Sam Roberts
In the winter of 1913, Grand Central Station was officially opened and immediately became one of the most beautiful and recognizable Manhattan landmarks. In this celebration of the 100-year-old terminal, Sam Roberts of The New York Times looks back at Grand Central's conception, amazing history, and the far-reaching cultural effects of the station that continues to amaze tourists and shuttle busy commuters. Reviewed by Ron Kaplan.
ENEMY OF MINE: A Pike Logan Thriller by Brad Taylor (Thriller/Adventure)
A tentative peace between Israel and Palestine has been brokered by the United States. But the Taskforce gets wind of an assassination attempt on the American envoy sent to solidify the treaty and must devote every resource to saving his life. Taskforce operator Pike Logan and his partner, Jennifer Cahill, are charged with following the assassin’s flimsy trail through the Middle East, a trail that becomes more muddled at every turn. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
THE LOST ART OF MIXING by Erica Bauermeister (Fiction)
Lillian and her restaurant have a way of drawing people together. Among the cast of characters are Al, the accountant who finds meaning in numbers and ritual; Chloe, a budding chef who hasn’t learned to trust after heartbreak; Louise, Al’s wife, whose anger simmers just below the boiling point; and Isabelle, whose memories are slowly slipping from her grasp. And there’s Lillian herself, whose life has taken a turn she didn’t expect. Reviewed by Norah Piehl.
THE UNINVITED by Liz Jensen (Psychological Thriller/Horror)
After a seven-year-old girl fires a nail gun at her grandmother's neck, children across the world start killing their families. But is violence contagious? As chilling murders by children grip the country, anthropologist Hesketh Lock has his own mystery to solve: a bizarre scandal in the Taiwan timber industry. Reviewed by Norah Piehl.
AMERICAN TROPIC by Thomas Sanchez (Thriller)
The exotic island city of Key West is being terrorized by horrific murders committed by a mysterious voodoo assassin. With each new kill, it becomes clear that the skeleton-clad executioner has an ecological agenda. Everyone dreads being the killer’s next victim as the clock counts down to the end of hurricane season and the final dramatic explosion of fear and rage. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
NOT DEAD YET by Peter James (Mystery/Police Procedural)
Days before Gaia Lafayette, one of Hollywood's hottest stars, leaves home for a movie role in Brighton, England, there is a bungled attempt on her life. Detective Superintendent Roy Grace is charged with protecting Gaia on location in Brighton from her dangerously obsessive Number One fan, a clever maniac who will stop at nothing to kill her. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
THE BOY IN THE SNOW: An Edie Kiglatuk Mystery by M. J. McGrath (Mystery)
Half-Inuit Edie Kiglatuk finds herself in Alaska with Sergeant Derek Palliser, helping her ex-husband Sammy in his bid to win the famous Iditarod dog sled race. The race takes a grim turn when Edie stumbles upon the body of a baby left out in the forest. The state troopers are keen to pin the death on the Dark Believers --- a sinister offshoot of a Russian Orthodox sect --- but Edie’s instincts tell her otherwise. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
Contests Running on Other Sites in TheBookReportNetwork.com
We have a number of contests currently running on our other sites in TheBookReportNetwork.com. Please take a look at them below, and enter for your chance to win some fabulous books!
THE FEVER TREE by Jennifer McVeigh
We are celebrating the forthcoming release of THE FEVER TREE by Jennifer McVeigh --- a compelling portrait of colonial South Africa and a love story about how fear can blind us to the truth --- with a special contest. 50 readers will have the opportunity to each win an advance copy of the book, which will be in stores on April 4th, for their group. The deadline for entries is Monday, February 4th at noon ET.
“What Are You Reading?” Monthly Contest Feature
Let us know what your group is reading in January, and you will be entered in a giveaway to win multiple copies of a book for your group! Our latest prize book is THE LIFEBOAT by Charlotte Rogan, a page-turning novel of hard choices and survival, narrated by a woman as unforgettable and complex as the events she describes. We have 12 copies of the book, which is now available in paperback, to give away to three groups. The deadline for entries is Monday, February 4th at noon ET.
Valentine’s Day Contest and Feature
The countdown to February 14th is on! And we're spreading the love with our Valentine's Day Contest and Feature. From now through February 8th, readers will have the chance to win one of our five Teenreads.com Valentine's Day prize packages, which includes one copy of each of our featured books, along with a “Story Crush” coffee mug, heart-shaped Peeps and Dove chocolates.
Word of Mouth
Send us your current reading recommendations with your comments and a rating of 1 to 5 stars. This contest period, one teen reader will be randomly chosen to win a copy of JANIE FACE TO FACE by Caroline B. Cooney and VICTORIA REBELS by Carolyn Meyer. The deadline for entries is Thursday, January 31st at noon ET.
HOKEY POKEY by Jerry Spinelli
To celebrate the release of HOKEY POKEY, Jerry Spinelli's fable of leaving childhood behind and entering the new adventures of adolescence, Kidsreads.com is giving 10 readers the chance to win a copy of the book. The deadline for entries is Friday, March 15th at noon ET.
FaithfulReader.com’s Monthly Contest
In our latest monthly contest, 10 readers will receive a copy of BEYOND ORDINARY: When a Good Marriage Just Isn't Good Enough, in which Justin and Trisha Davis reveal how they turned their ordinary marriage into a truly extraordinary one. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, February 12th at noon ET.
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