Bookreporter.com Newsletter |
November 9, 2012 |
Let There Be Light! |
With nine days of Executive Camping under my belt, I am thinking I am now ready for my Merit Badge. I have it designed to have a generator, a gas can and a Wi-Fi card on it. But ever the optimist, I have decided that the downed pine trees can be turned into a new business. If I get some ribbon, we can be making holiday sprays for homes and grave covers. Of course, I will have competition from all those in town who have fallen trees (the evergreens are upended everywhere), so I guess I should stick to talking about books. By the way, my husband gets an award for keeping the neighbors powered up and hot-wiring heating units. He and Cory, his engineering apprentice, had their hands full this week. Nice finally to be able to flick a switch and see something actually happen. I really would not have had fun in frontier days.
Cory finally returned to school today…he got an A in Monopoly playing (an homage to storm-ravaged Atlantic City) and Trivial Pursuit with his friends this week. By the way, it’s not the same when the clocks change when the lights are out, so I never really noticed the extra hour last weekend, which usually is one of my favorite days of the year. I do hope you all spent it reading. It is now time for me to move to the Southern Hemisphere for a bit. Also, for those who keep note, Mercury went retrograde on Tuesday night at 6:04pm. Yes, Election Night. Craziness.
For you book lovers looking to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy, consider giving to First Book, a wonderful charity that has given thousands of new books to children devastated by the storm. Every $2.50 you contribute will provide a new book to a child affected by the storm, and every donation will be matched --- dollar for dollar --- by the American Federation of Teachers and the Albert Shanker Institute. Let’s help them restock school and home libraries… and put a smile on a child’s face! For more information, go to http://www.firstbook.org/.
Also in the spirit of book giving, the titles for next year’s World Book Night have been announced! In the U.S., a half-million free books will be handed out in towns and cities across America all on one day --- April 23, 2013 --- by enlisting 25,000 volunteer book lovers to help promote reading by going into their communities and personally handing out specially printed copies to light or non-readers and to those without the means or access to printed books. Click here to see the complete list of titles that will be given away. They include books from authors like Margaret Atwood, Ray Bradbury, John Green, John Grisham, Hillary Jordan, Terry Pratchett, David Sedaris, and many more. Interested in applying to become one of those sharing the books? Click here to do so.
Because so many of you lost power, you may not have been able to visit our site the last couple of weeks. So we’ve compiled all the reviews and features that went up on October 26th and November 2nd. Click here to see what you may have missed.
We’re excited to introduce a brand-new feature, which we’re calling our eBook Spotlight. This Monday, November 12th, MysteriousPress.com will be releasing four new bibliomysteries by four of the biggest authors in the game: C.J. Box, Ken Bruen, Jeffery Deaver and Anne Perry. Deaver’s eBook, AN ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE, is the story of two federal agents, one from either side of the US-Mexico border, who unite to take down a dangerous drug kingpin known simply as “Cuchillo,” The Knife. When agents Evans and Díaz get word that Cuchillo plans to attack a tourist bus in Sonora, they will have to find a creative way to capture or kill the drug overlord and bring down his empire. Joe Hartlaub has our review and says, “While AN ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE is a shorter work, it has the topical heft and literary weight of a novel. Deaver’s countless fans will consider this a must-have, while those looking for something different will find much to love here as well.”
Also available on the 12th are THE BOOK OF VIRTUE by Ken Bruen, PRONGHORNS OF THE THIRD REICH by C.J. Box and THE SCROLL by Anne Perry.
Last week, I made THE SHORTEST WAY HOME by Juliette Fay my latest Bookreporter.com Bets On selection, and we ran our review by Norah Piehl. This week, we’re happy to announce that the book is our new Paperback Spotlight title. Click here to see the feature.
And don’t forget that our One to Watch contest for Ian McEwan’s upcoming novel, SWEET TOOTH, continues. We have 50 copies to give away to readers who would like to read the book (which releases on Tuesday, November 13th) and comment on it. To enter, please fill out this form by Thursday, November 15th at noon ET.
Now, on to the reviews! First up is Barbara Kingsolver’s latest novel, FLIGHT BEHAVIOR. The Pulitzer Prize finalist and beloved author of THE POISONWOOD BIBLE is back, this time tackling one of the most important subjects of our time: humanity’s precarious relationship to the environment. When Dellarobia Turnbow comes across a lake of fire while walking across the mountains of Appalachia en route to a tryst with a younger man, she views the vision as a miraculous omen. Her experience will soon cause the outer world to descend upon her small town, and the consequences could change the way she sees her home --- and herself --- forever. Reviewer Terry Miller Shannon says, “FLIGHT BEHAVIOR is a vibrant coming-of-age tale as well as an unsettling (actually, more than unsettling; ‘terrifying’ is the word that comes to mind) commentary on climate change… This multi-layered story of a woman finding her way in life, wrapped in a larger theme about the world in which we live, is a page-turning triumph. It is both entertaining and important --- and not to be missed.”
As winter descends, those readers wanting to snuggle up with a crime novel will want to take a look at our review of LOOKING FOR YESTERDAY, the 30th mystery by Marcia Muller to feature her sleuth Sharon McCone. When a former client who was acquitted of killing her best friend decides to release a tell-all book, new questions arise about the case and a half-dead woman shows up on Sharon’s doorstep. How will Sharon cope with this mysterious challenge to her professional life, while her husband Hy is off traveling and the January rain keeps coming down? Reviewer Roz Shea reveals, “LOOKING FOR YESTERDAY was sufficiently intriguing for me to fire up my Kindle and download her first two books, EDWIN OF THE IRON SHOES and ASK THE CARDS A QUESTION, which I had never read. Now I’ve opened up a can of worms, especially when I discovered that therein lies the mother-lode of early works…”
Also, we have a review of a book about an old and controversial figure. Texas literary heavyweight Larry McMurtry has long been fascinated by the life and legend of General George Armstrong Custer, and he has just released CUSTER, a lavishly illustrated and tirelessly researched reassessment of the man and his effect on America’s image of itself. This is a gripping story with bigger-than-life-characters, but it’s also a book that makes us think about who we are and where we’ve come from. According to reviewer Stuart Shiffman, “The story of Custer has all the necessary ingredients to continue to engage any historian. CUSTER is a wonderful work that helps readers better understand a monumental event in our nation’s history.”
And turning from the Old West to the modern East, LIPSTICK IN AFGHANISTAN author Roberta Gately’s gripping new novel, THE BRACELET, takes us into the perilous lives of women in present-day Pakistan. UN worker Abby Monroe has traveled to South Asia to flee heartbreak and try to make her mark on the world, but her life only becomes more frightening when she sees a woman thrown from a building and becomes haunted by memories of a unique, intricately carved bracelet the woman had worn. Norah Piehl has our review and says, “THE BRACELET vividly portrays the real-life crisis of human trafficking, a global problem Gately also outlines in her author's afterword…. THE BRACELET performs an admirable service by calling attention to a genuine crisis in a readable way.”
Among the notable titles releasing this month in paperback are THE PARIS WIFE by Paula McLain, MAN SEEKS GOD: My Flirtations with the Divine by Eric Weiner, HISTORY OF A PLEASURE SEEKER by Richard Mason and SHOCKAHOLIC by Carrie Fisher. Click here to see our New in Paperback roundups for November.
November is also a big month for moviegoers, as Breaking Dawn, Part 2, Life of Pi, Midnight's Children, Lincoln and Anna Karenina are just some of the films that will be in theaters. Check out our Books on Screen feature for the complete list of movies, TV shows and DVDs releasing this month that are based on books.
After the success of our two previous fantasy-themed bookshelves --- Top Fantasy Series and Stand-Alone Fantasy Titles --- our resident expert on the genre, Steve Hubbard, returns with a Female Fantasy Authors bookshelf. Featuring 20 great fantasy novels by female authors, this collection of books should be on every fantasy reader’s bookshelf.
Our Holiday Cheer feature will be live on Monday, November 19th, and our Daily Contests will start that day as well. The contests kick off at noon ET on select days in November and December, and run for just 24 hours, so you will have to check the site each day to see what is being featured. We once again are sending out our special Holiday Cheer newsletter on the days when there are contests, so if you would like to sign up for that, click here.
And speaking of the holidays, we would love if you would take a moment to answer our new poll question. We want to know when you start your holiday shopping. Are you a frantic Christmas Eve kind of person, or are you one of those meticulous planners who started in June? Click here to let us know! Once the poll is over, I will share my shopping style.
As always, in our Word of Mouth feature, you have a chance to win free books simply by letting us know what you’re reading. Up for grabs this time are BRAIN ON FIRE: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan, THE FORGOTTEN by David Baldacci, and THE LAST MAN by Vince Flynn. Enter by Friday, November 30th at noon ET for your chance to win.
This week, I have been enjoying reading THE AVIATOR’S WIFE by Melanie Benjamin, which will be in stores on January 15th. It’s historical fiction about Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the wife of Charles Lindbergh. Much more to come on this in the months to come.
If the snow melts, the re-tie and re-coping project can continue on our pool. I never thought we would have to wait for the snow to melt in the fall instead of the spring. Maybe the seasons are re-ordering themselves and we did not get a memo about this. That IS possible, right?
Here’s to a great week of reading. May the light be with you….
Carol Fitzgerald (Carol@bookreporter.com)
PS. When you use the links below to purchase books, you also support Bookreporter.com as we have affiliate arrangements with each of them. Please consider this when shopping for books online! |
Now in Stores: FLIGHT BEHAVIOR by Barbara Kingsolver |
FLIGHT BEHAVIOR by Barbara Kingsolver (Fiction)
When Dellarobia Turnbow climbs a mountain near her farmhouse home, she has a mission: she will take a lover and change her boring life. But what she finds on the mountaintop appears to be not only a glowing apparition, but Mother Nature's tragic error. Her discovery will open her eyes, broadening her world and helping her find her place in it. Reviewed by Terry Miller Shannon.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
Click here to read a review. |
Now in Stores: LOOKING FOR YESTERDAY by Marcia Muller |
LOOKING FOR YESTERDAY: A Sharon McCone Mystery by Marcia Muller (Mystery)
Three years ago, Caro Warrick was acquitted for the murder of her best friend Amelia Bettencourt, but the lingering doubts of everyone around Caro is affecting her life. Sharon McCone is confident that she can succeed where other detectives have failed, but when Caro is brutally beaten right at Sharon's doorstep, the investigation takes on a whole new course. Reviewed by Roz Shea.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to visit Marcia Muller’s official website.
Click here to read a review. |
Introducing Bookreporter.com’s eBook Spotlight: Our First Featured Title: AN ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE by Jeffery Deaver --- and Three More Bibliomysteries from MysteriousPress.com
The publishing world is changing rapidly, and at Bookreporter.com we like to bring you the best ways to explore emerging technologies, including the rapidly growing digital market. Our eBook Spotlight features titles that book lovers can easily download and enjoy on their eReader devices. What we present here may be from established and beloved authors, or from talented upstarts looking to make their mark.
Otto Penzler's famed MysteriousPress.com is releasing four new bibliomysteries on November 12th from bestselling authors Jeffery Deaver, Anne Perry, C.J. Box and Ken Bruen. New novellas will be introduced each month by bestselling mystery and thriller authors.
AN ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE by Jeffery Deaver (Mystery)
They call him “Cuchillo,” the Knife. Not because he kills with a blade --- he has plenty of men to do that kind of work for him --- but because his mind is so sharp. As Mexico’s government wages war on the drug cartels, it takes brains to survive, and Cuchillo has not just survived --- he has prospered. But when Cuchillo begins to cut too deeply, the federal police of both the United States and Mexico step in to dull his blade.
Along with AN ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE, MysteriousPress.com is making available THE SCROLL by Anne Perry, PRONGHORNS OF THE THIRD REICH by C.J. Box and THE BOOK OF VIRTUE by Ken Bruen.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a review.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here to read Jeffery Deaver’s bio.
Click here to read more in our eBook Spotlight. |
New Paperback Spotlight: THE SHORTEST WAY HOME by Juliette Fay |
THE SHORTEST WAY HOME by Juliette Fay (Fiction)
Sean has spent 20 years in Third World war zones and natural disaster areas, fully embracing what he’d always felt was his life’s mission. But when burnout sets in, Sean is reluctantly drawn home to Belham, Massachusetts, the setting of Fay’s much-loved SHELTER ME. There, he discovers that his steely aunt, overly dramatic sister and quirky nephew are having a little natural disaster of their own. When he reconnects with a woman from his past, Sean has to wonder if the bonds of love and loyalty might just rewrite his destiny.
Completely relatable, THE SHORTEST WAY HOME is another perfect serving of a slice of life from the irresistible Fay.
-Click here to read a review.
-Click here to see why we’re betting you’ll love this book.
-Click here to read Juliette Fay’s bio.
-Click here to connect with Juliette Fay on Facebook.
Click here to read more in our Paperback Spotlight. |
Featured One to Watch Author: Ian McEwan, Author of SWEET TOOTH |
We have 50 copies of SWEET TOOTH by Ian McEwan, which will be in stores November 13th, to give away to readers who would like to read the book and comment on it. To enter, please fill out this form by Thursday, November 15th at noon ET.
SWEET TOOTH by Ian McEwan (Historical Romance)
Cambridge student Serena Frome’s beauty and intelligence make her the ideal recruit for MI5. The year is 1972. The Cold War is far from over. England’s legendary intelligence agency is determined to manipulate the cultural conversation by funding writers whose politics align with those of the government. The operation is code named “Sweet Tooth.”
Serena, a compulsive reader of novels, is the perfect candidate to infiltrate the literary circle of a promising young writer named Tom Haley. At first, she loves his stories. Then she begins to love the man. How long can she conceal her undercover life? To answer that question, Serena must abandon the first rule of espionage: trust no one.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
-Click here to read critical praise.
-Click here to read Ian McEwan’s bio.
Click here to read more in our One to Watch Author Spotlight. |
Now in Stores: CUSTER by Larry McMurtry |
CUSTER by Larry McMurtry (Biography)
Larry McMurtry has long been fascinated by George Custer and his rightful place in history. In CUSTER, he examines how the “Boy General,” who graduated last in his class at West Point, went on to earn distinction in the Civil War and rose through the ranks. In this lavishly illustrated volume, McMurtry delivers an honest assessment of Custer’s legacy and redefines our understanding of the American West. Reviewed by Stuart Shiffman.
-Click here to read more about the book.
Click here to read a review. |
Now in Stores: THE BRACELET by Roberta Gately |
THE BRACELET by Roberta Gately (Fiction)
Abby Monroe is determined to make her mark as a UN worker in Peshawar, Pakistan. But after witnessing the brutal murder of a woman thrown from a building, she is haunted by the memory of a bracelet that adorned the victim’s wrist. At a local women’s shelter, Abby meets former sex slaves who have miraculously escaped their captors. She soon joins forces with a reporter who believes he can incriminate the shadowy leader of the vicious human trafficking ring. Reviewed by Norah Piehl.
-Click here to read more about the book.
Click here to read a review. |
November’s New in Paperback Roundups |
November’s New in Paperback roundups include the following highlights:
THE PARIS WIFE by Paula McLain (Historical Fiction)
Hadley Richardson has all but given up on love --- until she meets Ernest Hemingway. After a whirlwind wedding, the pair sets sail for Paris, where they fall in with the artists of the “Lost Generation.” But the Hemingways are ill-prepared for the fast life of Jazz Age Paris. There, they will face their ultimate crisis --- a deception that will unravel everything they’ve fought for.
LOCKED ON by Tom Clancy with Mark Greaney (Thriller)
Jack Ryan, Sr. is running for President of the United States again. But he doesn't anticipate the treachery of his opponent, who uses trumped-up charges to attack one of Ryan's closest comrades, John Clark. Clark is now in a race against time and must travel the world, staying one step ahead of his adversaries, including a shadowy organization tasked to bring him in, all while trying to find who is behind this.
MAN SEEKS GOD: My Flirtations with the Divine by Eric Weiner (Memoir)
When a health scare puts him in the hospital, Eric Weiner --- an agnostic by default --- finds himself tangling with an unexpected question, posed to him by a well-meaning nurse. "Have you found your God yet?" The thought of it nags him, and ultimately he embarks on a worldwide exploration of countless religions to find personal spiritual meaning.
HISTORY OF A PLEASURE SEEKER by Richard Mason (Fiction)
Piet Barol has an instinctive appreciation for pleasure and a gift for finding it. He applies for a job as tutor to the troubled son of Europe’s leading hotelier: a child who refuses to leave his family’s mansion on Amsterdam’s grandest canal. As the young man enters this glittering world, he learns its secrets --- and soon, quietly, steadily, finds his life transformed as he in turn transforms the lives of those around him.
SHOCKAHOLIC by Carrie Fisher (Memoir)
SHOCKAHOLIC is the juicy account of the life of Carrie Fisher, daughter of actress Debbie Reynolds and singer Eddie Fisher. Focusing on the Star Wars years and dishing about the various Hollywood relationships she’s formed since she was chosen to play Princess Leia at only 19 years old, this memoir recounts Fisher’s emotional and psychological journey through fame.
-Find out what's New in Paperback for the weeks of November 5th, November 12th, November 19th and November 26th.
Books on Screen for November |
November’s Book on Screen feature includes the following highlights:
Life of Pi
In Theaters November 21st
Based on LIFE OF PI by Yann Martel
A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2
In Theaters November 16th
Based on BREAKING DAWN by Stephenie Meyer
The epic love story between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen concludes in this final installment of Stephenie Meyer's bestselling series. The birth of their daughter Renesmee attracts the attention of the Volturi, and the Cullens enlist the help of their fellow covens to defend their family.
Anna Karenina
Now in Theaters
Based on ANNA KARENINA by Leo Tolstoy
The time is 1874. Vibrant and beautiful, Anna Karenina has what any of her contemporaries would aspire to; she is the wife of Karenin, a high-ranking government official to whom she has borne a son, and her social standing in St. Petersburg could scarcely be higher. She journeys to Moscow after a letter from her philandering brother Oblonsky arrives, asking for Anna to come and help save his marriage to Dolly. En route, Anna makes the acquaintance of Countess Vronsky, who is then met at the train station by her son, the dashing cavalry officer Vronsky. When Anna is introduced to Vronsky, there is a mutual spark of instant attraction that cannot --- and will not --- be ignored.
Midnight’s Children
Now in Theaters
Based on MIDNIGHT'S CHILDREN by Salman Rushdie
At the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947, as India proclaims independence from Great Britain, two newborn babies are switched by a nurse in a Bombay hospital. Saleem Sinai, the illegitimate son of a poor woman, and Shiva, the offspring of a wealthy couple, are fated to live the destiny meant for each other. Their lives become mysteriously intertwined and are inextricably linked to India's whirlwind journey of triumphs and disasters.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Now on DVD
Based on Spider-Man comics
The Amazing Spider-Man is the story of Peter Parker, an outcast high schooler who was abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. Peter is also finding his way with his first high school crush, Gwen Stacy, and together, they struggle with love, commitment and secrets.
Click here to see all the movies, TV shows and DVDs featured in November's Books on Screen. |
Miami Book Fair International: November 11-18, 2012 |
Miami Book Fair International
November 11-18, 2012
Street Fair: November 16-18
The Center for Literature and Theater @ Miami Dade College
Enjoy the 29th edition of the nation’s finest and largest literary gathering presented by the Florida Center for the Literary Arts at Miami Dade College.
Come see hundreds of great authors like Tom Wolfe, who will be talking about his new novel, BACK TO BLOOD, on Sunday, November 11th at 6pm; Junot Diaz, author of THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE HER, who will speak on Monday, November 12th at 6:30pm; and Robert A. Caro, who will be discussing his latest bestseller, THE PASSAGE OF POWER, on Thursday, November 15th at 6:30pm. Click here to see the complete list of authors who will be in attendance.
There will be a number of intriguing panel discussions and conversations on literature, politics and more. They include “On the Book Beat: Meet the Reporters Who Cover the Book Business,” “Kurt Vonnegut: Life and Letters,” “So Spoke the Earth: Giving Haiti Voice,” and “On Tolkien’s The Hobbit.”
On Friday, November 16th, the Street Fair gets underway. The highlight is the Festival of Authors, with more than 350 authors reading and discussing their work. During Street Fair weekend, more than 250 publishers and booksellers exhibit and sell books, with special features like the antiquarians, who showcase signed first editions, original manuscripts and other collectibles.
In addition, our Kidsreads.com, Teenreads.com and GraphicNovelReporter.com websites are sponsors of a Day of Education for Teachers and Librarians called “Teacher Fun Day: Perfect Your Craft and Inspire Creativity --- A Full Day of Programming for Teachers, Librarians and Educators, which will be held on Thursday, November 15th from 10am-3pm. We have four speakers lined up: Chris Grabenstein, Matthew Reinhart, Scott Hutchins and Raina Telgemeier. You can read more about this event here.
-Click here for the full schedule of events.
Click here for more information about Miami Book Fair International. |
This Week’s Reviews |
JACK REACHER’S RULES featuring an introduction by Lee Child (Thriller)
Jack Reacher takes on all comers, using a potent mixture of brutal strength and pure cunning. Now, his wisdom, his training, and even his wit has been compiled into a definitive guide to Jack Reacher. With quotes from Lee Child's bestselling novels, tips and tricks based on their plots, JACK REACHER’S RULES is the perfect companion for both rookie readers and seasoned Reacher veterans. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
RETURN OF THE THIN MAN by Dashiell Hammett (Mystery)
This pair of never-before published Thin Man novellas --- AFTER THE THIN MAN and ANOTHER THIN MAN --- features the classic Hammett characters Nick Charles, a retired private investigator, and his former debutante wife, Nora. In these two stories, Nick and Nora become involved in a deadly game of cat and mouse when they find Nora's family gardener murdered. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
THE MARSEILLE CAPER by Peter Mayle (Thriller)
Lovable rogue and sleuth extraordinaire Sam Levitt is back in another beguiling romp through the South of France. Will Sam survive this latest caper unscathed? Will he live to enjoy another bowl of bouillabaisse? All will be revealed --- with luck, savvy, and a lot of help from Sam’s friends --- in the novel’s climax. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
THE ELEMENTALS by Francesca Lia Block (Fiction)
When Ariel Silverman goes off to UC Berkeley, she is grappling with more than the usual college freshman disorientation. Friendless and sensitive, she wanders into a realm of seductive visions --- and macabre nightmares. Reviewed by Kathy Weissman.
OUTRAGE: An Inspector Erlendur Novel written by Arnaldur Indridason, translated by Anna Yates(Thriller)
Haunted by personal demons, Detective Erlendur decides to take a short leave of absence, putting his female assistant, Elinborg, in charge while he is gone. When a disturbing case lands on her desk, Elinborg is quickly thrust into a world of violent crime. A serial rapist is on the loose, and the clock is ticking as the police race to catch him before he strikes again. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
DEATH IN BRESLAU: An Eberhard Mock Investigation written by Marek Krajewski, translated by Danusia Stok (Historical Thriller)
Occupied Breslau, 1933: Two women are found murdered on a train with scorpions writhing on their bodies and an indecipherable note in an apparently oriental language nearby. Police Inspector Eberhard Mock is called to investigate, but uncovering the truth in Breslau is no straightforward matter. The city is in the grip of the Gestapo, and the mysterious note seems to indicate a ritual killing with roots in the Crusades. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
THE LOW ROAD by Chris Womersley (Thriller)
Young petty criminal Lee wakes up in a seedy motel with a bullet in his side, a suitcase of stolen money, and only a hazy idea of how he got there. Wild, a drug-addicted doctor also taking refuge at the motel, is forced by the proprietor to save Lee's life and move Lee out before the police show up. The two strangers become traveling companions as they take off on the run. Meanwhile, the past is close behind as an aging gangster pursues them. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
Contests Running on Other Sites in TheBookReportNetwork.com |
We have a number of contests currently running on our other sites in TheBookReportNetwork.com. Please take a look at them below, and enter for your chance to win some fabulous books!
HOME FRONT by Kristin Hannah
We currently are offering a very special opportunity to our readers. 250 book clubs have the chance to win a hardcover copy of HOME FRONT by Kristin Hannah --- which releases in paperback on January 8th --- for each member of their group (up to 20), provided that they agree to discuss the book at their January or February meeting; email friends and tell them about the book; and post comments or feedback about the book and/or their discussion on Kristin Hannah’s Facebook page, the blog on KristinHannah.com, their personal Facebook pages, Twitter accounts or blogs. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, November 20th at noon ET.
ABOVE ALL THINGS by Tanis Rideout
We are celebrating the forthcoming release of ABOVE ALL THINGS --- Tanis Rideout’s debut novel that tells the harrowing story of George Mallory’s third and final attempt to summit Mount Everest in 1924 --- with a special contest. 50 readers will have the opportunity to each win an advance copy of the book, which will be in stores on February 12th, for their group. The deadline for entries is Wednesday, December 5th at noon ET.
“What Are You Reading?” Monthly Contest Feature
Let us know what your group is reading in November, and you’ll be entered in a giveaway to win multiple copies of a book for your group! Our latest prize book is THE PARIS WIFE, Paula McLain’s bestselling novel that captures the love affair between Ernest Hemingway and his wife, Hadley. We have 12 copies of the book, which will be available in paperback on November 27th, to give away to three groups. The deadline for entries is Wednesday, December 5th at noon ET.
Registered Book Club Promotion
For November, we have a very special opportunity for Registered Book Groups. Our featured title this month is ANOTHER PIECE OF MY HEART by Jane Green, and we will be giving away copies to 350 groups who agree to read and discuss the book in February or March. Groups that have registered with us by Monday, November 26th at noon ET will have the chance to win. If your group is not registered with ReadingGroupGuides.com, click here to register.
Fierce Reads
This month, Macmillan Children's Publishing Group gets Fierce...again! Fierce Reads is an online home and a brand where teens can interact with books they love and be a part of the discovery of new books. Fierce Reads will promote books across all of Macmillan's publishing divisions, with a mix of debut and well-known authors. To celebrate the release of six books that are being featured in this exciting campaign, we're giving five readers the opportunity to win them all!
Word of Mouth
Send us your current reading recommendations with your comments and a rating of 1 to 5 stars. This contest period, one teen reader will be randomly chosen to win a copy of PERRY'S KILLER PLAYLIST by Joe Schreiber and REACHED: Matched Trilogy, Book 3 by Ally Condie. The deadline for entries is Friday, November 30th at noon ET.
RIVER OF MERCY: The Riverhaven Years, Book 3 by BJ Hoff
We are celebrating the release of RIVER OF MERCY with a special contest that will give 75 readers the opportunity to win a copy of this conclusion to BJ Hoff's Riverhaven Years trilogy. The deadline for entries is Monday, November 12th at noon ET.
We are celebrating the release of BORDERS OF THE HEART by Chris Fabry with a special contest that will give 10 readers the opportunity to win a copy of the book, which centers on the relationship between a man and a mysterious girl he feels compelled to save. The deadline for entries is Monday, November 12th at noon ET.
The Reluctant Prophet Series by Nancy Rue
We are celebrating the release of TOO FAR TO SAY FAR ENOUGH, the conclusion to Nancy Rue's The Reluctant Prophettrilogy, with a special contest that will give 25 readers the opportunity to win all three books in the series (which also includes THE RELUCTANT PROPHET and UNEXPECTED DISMOUNTS). The deadline for entries is Monday, November 12th at noon ET.
FaithfulReader.com’s Monthly Contest
In our latest monthly contest, 10 readers will be awarded a copy of all four books in Mona Hodgson's historical romance series, The Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek: TWO BRIDES TOO MANY, TOO RICH FOR A BRIDE, THE BRIDE WORE BLUE and TWICE A BRIDE. The deadline for entries is Monday, November 12th at noon ET. |
This Week’s Poll |
When do you start your holiday shopping?
I already started.
I already am done.
I start right before Thanksgiving.
I start right after Thanksgiving.
I wait until December.
I wait until the absolute last minute.
I do not do holiday shopping.
Click here to answer the poll. |
Word of Mouth: Tell Us What You're Reading --- and You Could Win THREE Books! |
Tell us your current reading recommendations with your comments and a rating of 1 to 5 stars. During the contest period from November 9th to November 30th, FIVE lucky readers each will be randomly chosen to win a copy of BRAIN ON FIRE: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan, THE FORGOTTEN by David Baldacci, and THE LAST MAN by Vince Flynn.
To make sure other readers will be able to find the books you write about, please include the full title and correct author names (your entry must include these to be eligible to win). For complete rules and guidelines, click here.
-To see reader comments from previous contest periods, click here.
Click here to enter the contest. |
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