Bookreporter.com Newsletter |
January 20, 2012 |
Greetings from New Orleans...Next Stop, Dallas! |
I am in “the Big Easy” for the American Booksellers Association’s Winter Institute, an annual gathering of independent booksellers where the business of bookselling is on the agenda along with the opportunity to hear about hundreds of upcoming titles --- and meet authors. It's been a stellar event with one session more exciting than the next, and last night's reception alone had 67 authors in attendance.
At this two-hour author program, there were long lines of booksellers waiting patiently to meet writers and get books signed. I was thrilled to see collisions of enthusiasm, like a long line for debut author Adam Johnson, whose book THE ORPHAN MASTER’S SON has been garnering great reviews, intersecting with one for Chris Cleave, whose LITTLE BEE was a huge Indie bestseller pick and whose upcoming book GOLD (July 10th) is so brilliant that I already have named it as a Bookreporter.com Bets On pick.
I got to meet Carol Anshaw, who wrote CARRY THE ONE (March 6th), which I have told you about. The book opens with a group of men and women who, while drunk and sleepy after a wedding reception, accidentally hit and kill a local girl. From there, we follow these people over the next 25 years. This night haunts them each in different ways, and following the impact it has on their lives makes for great reading. Carol amused me by saying she thinks we should start a Carol Club. I am up for it!
I also met Lydia Netzer, whose book SHINE SHINE SHINE (July 17th) is on my radar, and you will be hearing more about it. I picked up a copy of THE GREAT DELUGE: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast after hearing Douglas Brinkley being brilliantly interviewed by Bob Minzesheimer from USA Today on Wednesday.
More stories from this wonderful evening will emerge in the weeks to come. There's not enough time or space to share them all here now.
Over dinner, Julianna Baggott, the author of PURE, shared her back story on how this book came out of some writing that she was noodling around with. She read it to her daughter, who had never been a fan of her mom’s previous work. When she heard a bit of the story, she said, “THAT is something I want to read…keep going.” And from there Baggott went on to develop a book that will definitely keep people talking when it publishes on February 8th. I wrote it on my Vacation Reading Blog last week.
THE SNOW CHILD by Eowyn Ivey has a number of booksellers as fans already. I sat with Susan Thomas, a bookseller from Coffee Tree Books in Kentucky, who immediately drew Eowyn into conversation about it with the fervor and passion that erupts once you have closed a book and cannot wait to talk about it. So few times do we get to do that with the author in person. Ivey hails from Alaska and shared stories of watching the sun come back this time of year after long days of darkness. I will think about that when I complain about it getting dark by 5 in New York again.
Barry Lyga discussed his upcoming YA novel, I HUNT KILLERS, about a young man whose father is a serial killer. This is a very different book for Barry. As a teenager he had raided his dad’s shelf of thrillers, inhaling one or more a day. And he channeled that pacing as he wrote I HUNT KILLERS.
I spent some time talking to James Patterson on Wednesday night at a dinner thrown in his honor. He is extremely well-read, and it was interesting to hear him talking about classics and seminal works in the same conversation as the latest bestsellers. I admire his efforts to get children reading with Read Kiddo Read and the various stories he has crafted for different younger age groups. And his program College Book Bucks to support college students by buying their textbooks for them --- they buy them through Indie stores --- shows a commitment to give back. A student spoke the other morning about what this “book scholarship” meant to him, and it was wonderful to hear that testimonial. As a mom of a college student, I know all too well just what a huge contribution to a student’s education this is.
In February, the new book in his Private series, PRIVATE GAMES, will be co-authored by Mark Sullivan. I have been a fan of Mark’s for years now, and as I know his style, I look forward to seeing what he and Patterson cooked up together.
There were so many wonderful moments at this show and serendipitous encounters. I brought an extra suitcase, and it is packed with galleys. I am not sure which I will read first.
On my flight to down here, I was sitting next to Sheila, an attorney from New Jersey. While we both worked most of the flight, at one point we took a break and chatted about what we did --- and I learned she is a big reader. We immediately dropped into a conversation where we talked authors and favorite titles. About 85% of her reading is done listening to audiobooks.
Audiobooks came up again at Wednesday night’s dinner, where I heard a wonderful suggestion from Margie Scott Tucker, who is one of the owners of Books Inc. She hosts at book club at her store. She does a “second read” of her selections on audio after reading the text. She finds that this helps ensure that she has pronunciations correct and refreshes her on the story. What an excellent idea for those of you in book clubs.
Oh, and for the record, as we move into 2012, here are my thought about books. They are both fiction and nonfiction stories to be shared. Whether you are reading print (in hardcover, trade paperback or mass market), eBooks or listening via audiobooks, the heart of what you are enjoying is story. We are platform-agnostic here, meaning we celebrate reading no matter how you choose to enjoy it. No format is “better” than the other. No one format needs to “win.” You may move from one to the other, or stick with one you love. There are NO rules. End of lecture.
As I was in town here back in June, I at least know a bit of the lay of the land, which is lovely since I have zero sense of direction --- and Greg, my older son, is not with me on this trip. Greg got back from Europe on Monday night after two weeks of sailing and touring. When he was in London, he got an email from the hostel in Dublin that he planned to stay in that they were closing that day. He called my husband and asked him to connect with Donal, our former neighbor who grew up in Dublin, for a new idea of where to stay. Donal's reply: "With my mother." She lives in an area Greg had planned to visit where there are two lighthouses and a really cool cliff walk. What a perfect ending for his trip!
Now onward to this week’s lineup.
We are featuring a new Women’s Fiction Author this week, Nicole Baart. Her latest book, FAR FROM HERE, tells the story of Danica Greene, whose husband, a pilot, mysteriously disappears in his plane. Danica struggles with her new situation as she grapples with how long to hope for her husband’s return. Has she been abandoned? Is she a widow? I read FAR FROM HERE a few months ago and enjoyed how Nicole crafted the story with lots of emotion and uncertainty for Danica. We have 20 copies to give away to readers who enter here by Thursday, February 2nd at noon ET.
AND the three contests we posted last week are still open until Thursday, January 26th. These include:
Women’s Fiction Author Spotlight author Kristin Hannah: Enter to win one of 100 copies of HOME FRONT, the story of a struggling family that must grapple with the consequences when the mother is deployed in Iraq.
Suspense/Thriller Author Spotlight author William Landay: Enter to win one of 20 copies of DEFENDING JACOB, the story of a district attorney whose son is charged with murdering another child. Is he guilty?
By the way, HOME FRONT and DEFENDING JACOB are Word of Mouth prize books this week, along with CATCH ME by Lisa Gardner. So if you want to DOUBLE your chances to win either of these great books, tell us about what you are reading and you will automatically be entered to win in a second contest.
Our One to Watch spotlight continues to be on Nelle Davy. Enter to win one of 50 copies of THE LEGACY OF EDEN, the story of a girl who returns to her family home after her grandmother’s death and must decide if she wants to restore the family name to its former glory --- her grandmother’s dying wish.
Those of you who measure your lives in holidays --- Valentine’s Day is fast approaching! To get you in the mood, we are announcing our Seventh Annual Valentine’s Day Contest --- a “sweet” giveaway for you; consider it our valentine to you. Five lucky readers who enter the contest by Thursday, February 9th at noon ET will win a big basket of love --- books as well as some special Valentine’s Day treats.
In our new poll and question this week, we want to know about the reading habits of your family and friends. What percentage of your friends and family members read? Why do you think they would claim they don’t read? These results could be VERY interesting, so please weigh in. I confess that I'm mystified by my friends who I would expect to enjoy reading --- who are not readers!
There was a segment of Winter Institute focused on World Book Night --- a night of book giveaways dedicated to the celebration of books and reading --- which will be held on April 23rd, simultaneously in the US, the UK and Ireland, and this week it was announced that Germany is also on board. The February 1st deadline to register to become a “book giver,” one of 50,000 people giving away books on that evening, is fast approaching. “Book Givers” will pick up their books at local bookstores or libraries. How does your bookstore or library get involved? Well, the stores and libraries will be selected once the folks at World Book Night see where the “book givers” are coming from. So enter now. A number of The Book Report Network staff members already have signed up --- it’s a great way to spread the love of reading! Maybe I can get some of my non-reading friends converted. Sign up here now!
Last weekend, I attended Vogue Knitting LIVE!, where I took a class with the fabulously talented Laura Bryant from Prism Yarns called “Artful Color.” Along the way, Laura used two analogies that I loved regarding knitting. First, she has found that many knitters are mystery lovers. She sees parallels between those who love to see how a pattern turns out and those who like to see how a mystery ends. She also cited parallels between yarn and paint, and said that knitting can be compared to painting as you play with color. I am a terrible painter --- more ends up on the floor or on me than on the walls, thus I see why “painting” with color in yarn would be attractive to me.
A few booksellers and I drifted over to The Quarter Stitch, a FABULOUS yarn shop here in the French Quarter that I discovered back in June when I was here. Amy Alessio, one of our reviewers and a librarian friend, turned me on to it. The proprietor whose name I failed to catch is smart, fun and full of ideas. We all had a wonderful time shopping there…and they wrap the yarn you buy so it looks like presents. Such a wonderful concept. Chatting with the aforementioned Susan at dinner last night, I heard about some new yarns with metals and copper in them.
Today I am flying to Dallas for the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting and will have more to report from there next week. On Monday morning, as soon as the Youth Media Awards are announced, I am flying home as it’s Cory’s 17th birthday! The birthday cake layers are baked and in the freezer. For those who have been following our family adventures through the years, Greg now is in his last semester of college, and at the same time we are starting the college search with Cory. I feel like “here we go again.”
Here’s to a great week of reading....hope you find something wonderful to read with us.
Carol Fitzgerald (Carol@bookreporter.com)
Now in Stores: THE ROPE by Nevada Barr
THE ROPE: An Anna Pigeon Novel by Nevada Barr (Mystery)
Nevada Barr gathers together the many strings of Anna Pigeon’s past and finally reveals the story that her many fans have been long asking for. In 1995 and 35 years old, fresh off the bus from New York City and nursing a broken heart, Anna takes a decidedly unglamorous job as a seasonal employee of the Glen Canyon National Recreational Area. On her day off, she goes hiking into the park --- never to return. Reviewed by Roz Shea.
Click here to read a review. |
Now in Stores: RAYLAN by Elmore Leonard
RAYLAN by Elmore Leonard (Mystery)
With the closing of the Harlan County, Kentucky, coal mines, marijuana has become the biggest cash crop in the state. A hundred pounds of it can gross $300,000, but that’s chump change compared to the quarter million a human body can get you --- especially when it’s sold off piece by piece. When two dope-dealing brothers decide to branch out into the body business, it’s up to U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens to stop them. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
Click here to read a review. |
Now in Stores: DEATH OF KINGS by Bernard Cornwell
DEATH OF KINGS by Bernard Cornwell (Historical Fiction)
In this latest installment of Bernard Cornwell’s saga of England, loyalties are divided and chaos is mounting. As the ninth century wanes, Alfred the Great lies dying, his dream of a unified England in danger and his kingdom on the brink of chaos. While his son, Edward, has been named his successor, there are other Saxon claimants to the throne --- as well as ambitious pagan Vikings to the north. Reviewed by Curtis Edmonds.
Click here to read a review. |
New Featured Women's Fiction Author: Nicole Baart, Author of FAR FROM HERE |
Danica Greene's happy marriage to a pilot crashes when her husband, Etsell, goes missing in Alaska. While she awaits news of his wherabouts, she must confront her hometown's wild speculation and her growing attraction to her single neighbor, a pastor named Ben. Finally Etsell's mystery is solved, and Danica must decide whether her life is about loss or love.
We have 20 copies of FAR FROM HERE by Nicole Baart, which will be in stores February 7th, to give away to readers who would like to preview the book and comment on it. If you are interested, please fill out this form by Thursday, February 2nd at noon ET.
More about FAR FROM HERE:
Danica Greene has always hated flying, so it was almost laughable that the boy of her dreams was a pilot. She married him anyway, and together, she and Etsell settled into a life where love really did seem to conquer all. Danica is firmly rooted on the ground in Blackhawk, the small town in northern Iowa where they grew up, and the wide slashes of sky that stretch endlessly across the prairie seem more than enough for Etsell. But when the opportunity to spend three weeks in Alaska helping a pilot friend presents itself, Etsell accepts and their idyllic world is turned upside down.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here to read critical praise.
-Click here to read Nicole Baart's bio.
-Click here to visit Nicole Baart's official website.
-Click here to connect with Nicole Baart on Facebook.
Click here to read more about Nicole Baart and FAR FROM HERE in our Women's Fiction feature. |
Featured Women's Fiction Author: Kristin Hannah, Author of HOME FRONT |
It appears that Michael and Joleen Zarkades have it all. But in reality, the couple has lost their way after being together for 12 years. When the Iraq war starts, an unexpected deployment will tear their already fragile family apart.
We have 100 copies of HOME FRONT by Kristin Hannah, which will be in stores January 31st, to give away to readers who would like to preview the book and comment on it. If you are interested, please fill out this form by Thursday, January 26th at noon ET.
More about HOME FRONT:
From a distance, Michael and Joleen Zarkades seem to have it all: a solid marriage, two exciting careers, and children they adore. But after 12 years together, the couple has lost their way; they are unhappy and edging toward divorce. Then the Iraq war starts. An unexpected deployment will tear their already fragile family apart, sending one of them deep into harm’s way and leaving the other at home, waiting for news. When the worst happens, each must face their darkest fear and fight for the future of their family.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a second excerpt.
-Click here to read Kristin Hannah's bio.
-Click here to visit Kristin Hannah's official website.
-Click here to see Kristin Hannah's blog.
Click here to read more about Kristin Hannah and HOME FRONT in our Women's Fiction feature. |
Featured Suspense/Thriller Author: William Landay, Author of DEFENDING JACOB |
Assistant District Attorney Andy Barber is leading a full and happy life with his wife and 14-year-old son. But when a crime occurs in their town, Andy is stunned to learn that his own child is charged with killing a fellow student.
We have 20 copies of DEFENDING JACOB by William Landay, which will be in stores January 31st, to give away to readers who would like to preview the book and comment on it. If you are interested, please fill out this form by Thursday, January 26th at noon ET.
Andy Barber has been an assistant district attorney in his suburban Massachusetts county for more than 20 years. He is respected in his community, tenacious in the courtroom, and happy at home with his wife, Laurie, and son, Jacob. But when a shocking crime shatters their New England town, Andy is blindsided by what happens next: His 14-year-old son is charged with the murder of a fellow student.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a second excerpt.
-Click here to read William Landay's piece on “The Unwritten Rules of the Legal Thriller.”
-Click here to read William Landay's bio.
-Click here to visit William Landay's official website.
-Click here to see William Landay's Facebook page.
Click here to read more about William Landay and DEFENDING JACOB in our Suspense/Thriller feature. |
Featured One to Watch Author: Nelle Davy, Author of THE LEGACY OF EDEN |
For the past 17 years, Meredith Pincetti has tried to forget everything about her family and her past. But with the receipt of a pleading letter, Meredith is again thrust into conflict with the legacy that destroyed her family's once-great name.
We have 50 copies of THE LEGACY OF EDEN by Nelle Davy, which will be in stores January 31st, to give away to readers who would like to preview the book and comment on it. If you are interested, please fill out this form by Thursday, January 26th at noon ET.
For generations, Aurelia was the crowning glory of the Hathaways --- thousands of acres of Iowa farmland and golden cornfields. Now the last inhabitant of the decaying old home has died --- alone. None of the surviving family members want anything to do with the farm, the land or the memories. But with the receipt of a pleading letter, Meredith Pincetti is again thrust into conflict with the legacy that destroyed her family's once-great name. Back at the farm, Meredith must confront the rise and fall of Aurelia…and her own part in its mottled history.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a second excerpt.
-Click here to Nelle Davy's bio.
-Click here to see Nelle Davy talk about the book.
-Click here to visit Nelle Davy's official website.
Click here to read more about Nelle Davy and THE LEGACY OF EDEN in our One to Watch feature. |
Paperback Spotlight: LITTLE GIRL GONE by Drusilla Campbell |
LITTLE GIRL GONE by Drusilla Campbell (Fiction)
Madora was 17 and headed for a load of trouble when Willis rescued her. Alienated from family and friends, she ran away with him, and for five years they have lived alone in near isolation. When he kidnaps a pregnant teenager and imprisons her in a trailer behind the house, Madora is torn between her love for Willis and her sense of right and wrong. Then a pit bull named Foo brings another unexpected person into Madora’s life --- Django Jones, a brilliant but troubled 12-year-old orphan. As Django tries to understand his place in the world, Madora is forced to face what her life has become...and fights to transform it into the life she wants.
LITTLE GIRL GONE will be in stores January 31st.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
-Click here to read Drusilla Campbell's bio.
Click here to read more about LITTLE GIRL GONE in our Paperback Spotlight. |
Paperback Spotlight: "THERE ARE THINGS I WANT YOU TO KNOW" ABOUT STIEG LARSSON AND ME by Eva Gabrielsson, with Marie-Francoise Colombani |
"THERE ARE THINGS I WANT YOU TO KNOW" ABOUT STIEG LARSSON AND ME by Eva Gabrielsson, with Marie-Francoise Colombani (Biography/Memoir)
The keys to the "Stieg Larsson phenomenon" all lie with Stieg Larsson the man. No one knew him like his lifelong companion, Eva Gabrielsson. Here she tells the story of their 30-year romance, of Stieg's lifelong struggle to expose Sweden’s Neo-Nazis, of his struggle to keep the magazine he founded, Expo, alive, his difficult relationships with his immediate family, and the joy and relief he discovered writing the Millennium Trilogy.
"THERE ARE THINGS I WANT YOU TO KNOW" ABOUT STIEG LARSSON AND ME will be available in paperback January 24th.
-Click here to read more about the book.
-Click here to read a review.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
-Click here to read Eva Gabrielsson's bio.
Click here to read more about "THERE ARE THINGS I WANT YOU TO KNOW" ABOUT STIEG LARSSON AND ME in our Paperback Spotlight. |
What's New This Month on FaithfulReader.com |
FaithfulReader.com is our website for Christian readers, with monthly updates of reviews and interviews, as well as discussion guides, book excerpts, a monthly newsletter and more.
Here are some of the titles being featured this month:
-BEAUTIFUL OUTLAW: Experiencing the Playful, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality of Jesus by John Eldredge
-CHASING MONA LISA by Tricia Goyer and Mike Yorkey
-THE COLOR OF RAIN: How Two Families Found Faith, Hope, and Love in the Midst of Tragedy by Michael and Gina Spehn
-THE KEEPER: Stoney Ridge Seasons, Book 1 by Suzanne Woods Fisher
-ONE PERFECT WORD: One Word Can Make All the Difference by Debbie Macomber
-SUMMER OF PROMISE: Westward Winds, Book 1 by Amanda Cabot
-WHERE WILDFLOWERS BLOOM: Sisters at Heart, Book 1 by Ann Shorey
-WHY JESUS?: Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality by Ravi Zacharias
We are also featuring a special giveaway in which 75 readers will have a chance to win a copy of LOVE BLOOMS IN WINTER: The Dakota Diaries, Book 1 by Lori Copeland.
Click here to visit FaithfulReader.com. |
This Week's Reviews |
COVERT WARRIORS: A Presidential Agent Novel by W. E. B. Griffin and William E. Butterworth IV (Thriller/Action & Adventure)
Few in the U.S. government want to believe that a Third World country and its chest-thumping leader could pose a credible threat. But then why are the Chinese helping to train its special forces? Why are the Russians helping to build a nuclear power plant? Charley Castillo and his men go in to investigate, but they have no idea what they have just gotten themselves into. Reviewed by Judy Gigstad.
THE JAGUAR: A Charlie Hood Novel by T. Jefferson Parker (Thriller)
Erin McKenna, a beautiful songwriter married to an L.A. sheriff 's deputy, is kidnapped by the ruthless leader of the powerful Gulf Cartel. But his demands turn out to be as unusual as the crumbling castle in which Erin is kept. Under threat of death, Armenta orders Erin to compose a unique narcocoriddo --- a modern-day folk ballad --- to tell his life story in music. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
ANOTHER WOMAN by Penny Vincenzi (Fiction)
The night before her lavish wedding, Cressida Forrest went to bed serene and happy. By morning she had vanished --- without apparent cause and without a trace. Shocked, anxious and uncomprehending, the two families face a long day of revelations, as a complex, fragile web of sexual, marital and financial secrets is ripped apart by Cressida's disappearance. Reviewed by Norah Piehl.
HOW IT ALL BEGAN by Penelope Lively (Fiction)
When Charlotte Rainsford, a retired schoolteacher, is accosted by a petty thief on a London street, the consequences ripple across the lives of many. A marriage unravels after an illicit love affair; a financially strapped interior designer meets a potentially ideal business partner; an old-guard historian tries to recapture his youthful vigor; and a middle-aged central European immigrant learns to speak English and reinvents his life. Reviewed by Barbara Lipkien Gershenbaum.
THE MAN WITHIN MY HEAD by Pico Iyer (Memoir)
The British writer Graham Greene died in 1991, and now, 20 years after his passing, novelist and journalist Pico Iyer has written a thoughtful and impressionistic appreciation of Greene’s life and work, tying it in intriguing ways to Iyer’s own life story in what he describes as a “counterbiography.” Reviewed by Harvey Freedenberg.
MORE ROOM IN A BROKEN HEART: The True Adventures of Carly Simon by Stephen Davis (Biography)
Carly Simon has won two Grammys and an Academy Award, and her albums have sold more than 40 million copies. Her music has touched countless lives, yet her own life story has remained unpublished --- until now. Tapping private archives, family interviews, and a 40-year friendship with the legend herself, Stephen Davis at last captures Carly’s extraordinary journey from shy teenager to superstar. Reviewed by Christine M. Irvin.
THE SERIAL KILLER WHISPERER: How One Man's Tragedy Helped Unlock the Deadliest Secrets of the World's Most Terrifying Killers by Pete Earley (True Crime)
At 15, Tony Ciagla suffered a head injury at summer camp that left him with devastating brain damage. Abandoned and shunned by his friends, he began writing to serial killers on a whim and discovered that the same traumatic brain injury that made him an outcast to his peers now enabled him to connect emotionally with notorious murderers. Reviewed by Sarah Rachel Egelman.
THE DARKENING FIELD by William Ryan (Historical Mystery)
It is 1937, and Captain Alexei Korolev finds himself on an airplane bound for Odessa after the suspicious suicide of Maria Alexandrovna Lenskaya, a loyal young party member who supposedly had an illicit intimate relationship with the party director. His instructions are to determine if her suicide was actually a cover-up for murder, and if so, to find her killer --- but under no circumstances reveal her close ties to the director.Reviewed by Ray Palen.
MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY by Robert Barclay (Fiction)
Chelsea Enright never expected to inherit her grandmother's lakeside cottage deep in the Adirondacks --- a serene getaway that had been mysteriously closed up decades ago. When she finds her grandmother's WWII diaries, she's stunned to discover that they hold secrets she never suspected --- and they have the power to upend her own life. Reviewed by Kate Ayers.
CELL 8 by Anders Roslund and Borge Hellström (Mystery)
In Ohio, 17-year-old John Meyer Frey rots on Death Row for the brutal murder of his girlfriend --- and then unexpectedly dies of heart disease. Six years later, on a ferry between Finland and Sweden, a singer viciously attacks a drunken lout harassing a woman, leaving the man in a coma. Detective Superintendent Ewert Grens launches an investigation that spans from Sweden to the United States and reveals a startling connection between the Frey and Schwarz cases. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub. |
This Week's Poll and Question |
Approximately what percentage of your family members and close friends read?
Less than 25%
I’m not sure.
-Click here to answer the poll.
What is the leading reason (name up to 3) that family members and friends say they do not read?
-Click here to answer the question. |
Word of Mouth: Tell Us What You're Reading --- and You Could Win THREE Books! |
Tell us your current reading recommendations with your comments and a rating of 1 to 5 stars. During the contest period from January 20th to February 3rd, FIVE lucky readers each will be randomly chosen to win a copy of CATCH ME by Lisa Gardner, DEFENDING JACOB by William Landay and HOME FRONT by Kristin Hannah.
-To see reader comments from previous contest periods, click here.
Click here for more details about Word of Mouth. |
As always, here are a few housekeeping notes. If you are seeing this newsletter in a text version, and would prefer to see the graphics, you can either read it online or change your preferences below.