Bookreporter.com Newsletter |
November 12, 2010 |
Piles Be Gone! |
This has to be my “get organized” weekend. I am flying to Miami on Wednesday for the Miami Book Fair, and from there I am headed to the National Council of Teachers of English conference in Orlando. I arrive back late the Tuesday night before Thanksgiving. What’s amusing is that I never want to fly anywhere for Thanksgiving since I hate crowds at the airport. However, in my psyche I am not flying “anywhere,” I am flying “home.” Like there is a difference! Oh, and I am hosting Thanksgiving at the house. So we have a trifecta going on here --- crowds, Mickey-themed travels and chopping for the holiday.
I figure before I leave, I need to write a shopping list with detailed instructions, which means this will be a weekend of hunting/gathering recipes, many of which are well-tested. This is not a year for innovation! I have every season of clothes an arm’s length away as here it’s been fluctuating between fall and winter, and I am headed back to summer temps in Miami. Thus, I need to get clothes organized since I lack the "remember chip" of what I wear from one season/year to the next. When I worked at the magazine, we used to suggest that readers photograph their outfits so they could pull together perfect “looks.” I am thinking that this may be good so I remember what I WORE.
Then there is my book habit. Last weekend, I used part of the extra “standard time” hour to make stacks as I promised myself. Well, that worked til I got overwhelmed and decided to read instead of sort. I picked up Adriana Trigiani’s latest, DON’T SING AT THE TABLE: Life Lessons From My Grandmothers to enjoy. It's a book rich with the wisdom that was passed down to her from her grandmothers, both of whom led such full lives. It took three years to write as she was trying to synthesize their stories and create a book that would share how their advice would resonate today --- and it delivers. I found myself thinking more than once that the advice she shared was easy to put into action. Adriana was on the “Today” show earlier this week to talk about the book, and you can watch the clip here. Terry Miller Shannon has our review this week and says, “While DON'T SING AT THE TABLE is sure to appeal to Adriana Trigiani's fans, it should also attract new readers who have yet to discover the delights of a Trigiani novel. These lucky souls are likely to be struck by the generous spirit of the author, who invites us into her family so that we, too, can enrich our lives by gleaning wisdom from these remarkable women. Lucy and Viola would certainly approve."
Yesterday I left a meeting on the East Side of New York and walked right into the “opening act” of the Veterans Day Parade, hundreds of veterans on motorcycles who were in town to kick off the parade. What an amazing scene that was. They turned onto 52nd Street right in front of where I was standing on Fifth Avenue. I wish I could have stayed around for the parade. There was such a sense of pride from those in attendance!
This fall, five of today’s leading authors --- Steve Berry, David Morrell, Douglas Preston, James Rollins and Andy Harp --- are donating their time to reach out to our troops with Operation Thriller, a USO Tour of the Persian Gulf where they will meet and greet troops, sign books, and give away advance editions of their upcoming work. They are taking turns blogging about their tour (interesting that the word "tour" is used for "tour of duty" and "book tour") at The Huffington Post, which you can read here. They kicked off with a special visit to soldiers who are recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and National Naval Medical Center. What an experience for these authors to go into the field like this to show their support. And from all of us, a big salute to all the service men and women --- at home and abroad --- as well as our veterans who have sacrificed so much for all of us. We hope to be able to share some photos from Operation Thriller when they’re available.
I confess that I am addicted to the Wimpy Kid books by Jeff Kinney, and thus when I saw a messenger headed into our offices on Tuesday with a large purple package with a Wimpy Kid sticker on it, I had to act like a grownup and keep on walking to my meeting instead of curling up with THE UGLY TRUTH. I find Kinney’s humor so appealing, and there are times that I am talking/advising/lecturing/cajoling the boys and all I can picture is them running Kinney-like dialogue in their heads.
Continuing our look at big fall books, we have reviews of two of them. FULL DARK, NO STARS is Stephen King’s latest collection of short stories. The stories are, of course, grim and a bit unsettling, but what else would you expect? Three very intense book trailers were released by his UK publisher in anticipation of the book, and will really get you excited if you’re a King fan. You can watch the first trailer here, the second here, and the third here. Do note there is some graphic content and language throughout the videos. Reviewer Roz Shea says, “He writes in his self-revealing afterword that each of the disturbing tales was constructed from real-life scenarios. Too often, he feels that the 'whys' --- the reasons people do the things they do that appear in the headlines --- are not explored by the law or in the media. In FULL DARK, NO STARS, he explores these reasons through the eyes of otherwise ordinary people.”
David Baldacci’s fifth Camel Club book, HELL’S CORNER, was also released this week and marks the return of ex-assassin Oliver Stone. The plot here is ripped from the headlines as Baldacci fans have come to expect. Ray Palen has our review and says, “Baldacci has created something that not many writers attempt --- a contemporary thriller packed with relevant and well-researched plot elements, combined with a whodunit style of murder mystery where every character and storyline is a potential clue or red herring.”
Joe Hartlaub has a review of Rick Reed’s THE CRUELEST CUT, the latest title to be featured in our Debut Suspense/Thriller Author Spotlight. Rick discusses how his own career as a detective paved the way for his writing career, and some of the real-life experiences that overlap in his debut. Joe says, “Be forewarned: Reed is a master of describing graphic violence. Some of the crime scenes here will chill you to the bone. At the same time, he skillfully describes the ins and outs of relationships and emotions.” Click here to read Joe’s interview with Reed.
We also have a review of LIPSTICK IN AFGHANISTAN by Roberta Gately, which I read over the summer. The protagonist is a nurse who has volunteered in Afghanistan as an aid worker. Roberta has worked overseas, including a stint in Afghanistan, thus her writing is pitch perfect. It’s a fast-paced, sharp read that humanizes the stories we hear on the news, getting to know the pressures and dangers facing those who have these jobs. Reviewer Norah Piehl says, “Gately's description of the culture's traditions and of Elsa's attempt to integrate her life with theirs certainly illustrate the authority of the author's own experience. The personal relationships and cultural milieu explored here --- not to mention the extensive discussion questions and author interview included in the novel --- will make this an excellent choice for book club discussions.” We also have an interview with Roberta talking about how her experiences influenced her writing.
This week we’re launching a Mystery Mayhem Author Spotlight feature for Livia J. Washburn’s KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF, the third book in her Delilah Dickinson Literary Tour Mystery series. Livia inventively centers her mysteries on famous books, authors and literary locations, and has featured HUCKLEBERRY FINN and GONE WITH THE WIND in the series’ past installments. This time, she makes Tennessee Williams the focal point. KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF releases November 30th, but we have 20 copies to give away to readers who would like to preview the book and comment on it. Enter here by Friday, November 19th at noon ET.
We’re also launching our annual What to Give, What to Get feature. We have more than 85 titles for you to consider during the holidays, as gifts for loved ones, co-workers, or yourself! You can enjoy the entire guide here, and we’ll be spotlighting different categories throughout the holiday season. May the shopping begin!
Our Holiday Cheer Daily Book Contest will begin next week, and we are excited about this new format. Each day will bring a different book you can enter to win. We’ll be sending out a special daily email spotlighting the day’s title that will be separate from the weekly Bookreporter.com newsletter. You can sign up for this special newsletter here. Also, we will select special prize bonuses in addition to the Holiday Cheer titles, which will not be known until after you have entered. It’s a great reason to stop back every day, so be sure to sign up for those daily alerts. As a reminder, we post all our contests throughout the week on our Facebook page. If you’re not on Facebook, you can still keep track of our posts here.
Monday night I went to see The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, and for all you Stieg Larsson fans it’s a terrific wrap-up to the trilogy. Noomi Rapace is a terrific actress, and she really makes the film! Rooney Mara has some huge shoes to fill. Noomi...Rooney...they do rhyme! Two weeks ago I saw The Social Network and enjoyed it. 500 million friends on Facebook --- yowser. Adam Sorkin’s script was a fabulous adaptation of Ben Mezrich’s book, THE ACCIDENTAL BILLIONAIRESA>, which I read two summers ago. He put a real pulse into the story.
We are deep into plans for a redesign of Bookreporter.com and all the sites in TheBookReportNetwork.com. You can imagine what a monumental project this is going to be! We are keeping ALL the features we have now --- and once we launch the redesign in the first quarter of next year, we will be adding more. As we work through this process, we would like to have a group of readers beta-test the site for us. If you are interested in being part of this experience, fill out this form, and we will be in touch once we have something to share.
If you are going to be at the Miami Book Fair, please drop me a note at Carol@bookreporter.com, and hopefully we can meet up. In between organizing this weekend, I am going to be reading Nora Ephron’s I REMEMBER NOTHING: And Other Reflections, which was released this week. Maybe she will note the reason I never remember what I wear from year to year. Either that or I am going to have to start digitizing my wardrobe! If you are in Miami, she is at the Book Fair on Tuesday night.
Have a great week…here’s hoping you find something to read --- and get a good start on planning out your holiday shopping as well.
Carol Fitzgerald (Carol@bookreporter.com)
Now in Stores: FULL DARK, NO STARS by Stephen King |
FULL DARK, NO STARS by Stephen King (Horror/Suspense)
A riveting confession. A plot for revenge. A deal with the devil. Hidden strangers and horrifying discoveries. Like DIFFERENT SEASONS and FOUR PAST MIDNIGHT, which generated enduring films like The Shawshank Redemption and Stand by Me, FULL DARK, NO STARS proves Stephen King a master of the long story form. Reviewed by Roz Shea.
-Click here to read an excerpt from FULL DARK, NO STARS.
Click here to read a review of FULL DARK, NO STARS.
Now in Stores: HELL’S CORNER by David Baldacci |
HELL’S CORNER by David Baldacci (Thriller)
Oliver Stone and the Camel Club return for their fifth appearance in bestselling author David Baldacci’s most stunning adventure yet. This time, Stone is pulled back into service by the President to help uncover an alleged terrorist attack that occurs in the shadow of the White House at the place known as Hell’s Corner. Reviewed by Ray Palen.
Click here to read a review of HELL’S CORNER.
Now in Stores: DON’T SING AT THE TABLE by Adriana Trigiani |
DON’T SING AT THE TABLE: Life Lessons from My Grandmothers by Adriana Trigiani (Inspiration)
Beloved author Adriana Trigiani gets personal with these appealing stories about her grandmothers: Lucy (Lucia Spada Bonicelli) and Viola (Yolanda Perin Trigiani). These hard-working women are irresistibly inspiring, not only to their granddaughter --- who writes so lovingly about them --- but also to readers. Reviewed by Terry Miller Shannon.
-Click here to watch an interview with Adriana Trigiani on "Today."
Click here to read a review of DON’T SING AT THE TABLE.
Bookreporter.com Talks to Rick Reed, Author of THE CRUELEST CUT |
Retired Sergeant Rick Reed is reminding readers to shut their windows and secure their doors with his chilling debut novel, THE CRUELEST CUT, which follows Detective Jack Murphy as he tries to stop a cold-blooded and sadistic killer, who’s been leaving fragmented Mother Goose rhymes next to the bodies of his brutally murdered victims. In this interview with Bookreporter.com’s Joe Hartlaub, Reed talks about his former life as a police officer, elaborating on the dynamics between real-life detectives and the experiences that led him to join the force in the first place. He also speculates on the nature of serial killers --- and why the world will never be without them --- shares a few of his favorite authors, and sheds light on his plans for Jack’s future.
THE CRUELEST CUT by Rick Reed (Thriller)
The first victim is attacked in her home, tied to her bed and forced to watch everything, but unable to scream. The second is more twisted, with a message for the police stuffed in the victim's throat: a fractured nursery rhyme with the warning “There will be more.” For detective Jack Murphy, it's an invitation to play. And no one plays rougher than Jack --- especially when the killer's pawns are the people he loves. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
-Click here to read a review of THE CRUELEST CUT.
-Click here to read an excerpt from THE CRUELEST CUT.
-Click here to read Rick Reed’s bio.
-Click here to see Rick Reed’s backlist.
-Click here to read critical praise for THE CRUELEST CUT.
-Visit Rick Reed’s official website, www.RickReedBooks.com.
-Click here to see our finished copy winners.
Click here to read our interview with Rick Reed.
New Featured Mystery Mayhem Author: Livia J. Washburn, Author of KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF |
Livia J. Washburn is back with KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF. In this third installment of her Delilah Dickinson Literary Tour Mystery series, Delilah and friends travel to New Orleans for the Tennessee Williams Literary Festival, only to find a colleague murdered.
We have 20 copies of KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF, which releases on November 30th, to give away to readers who would like to preview the book and comment about it. If you are interested, please fill out this form by Friday, November 19th at noon ET.
-Click here to read an excerpt from KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF.
-Click here to read Livia J. Washburn’s bio.
-Click here to see Livia J. Washburn’s backlist.
-Click here to read critical praise for KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF.
Delilah Dickinson is finally looking forward to a nice, relaxing time leading her literary travel agency’s latest tour at the annual Tennessee Williams Literary Festival in New Orleans. After all, a group of intelligent, low-key English professors can’t be too much trouble, right? Wrong, as it turns out. These academics don’t waste any time showing their claws, especially when one of the professors claims he can prove Williams didn’t even write CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF. But when the supposed real author --- Howard Burleson, apparently once a very close friend of Tennessee’s --- turns up dead, Delilah knows she’s got to get to the bottom of things…even if the truth is as dirty as all them lies!
Click here to read more about Livia J. Washburn and KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF.
An Interview with Roberta Gately, Author of LIPSTICK IN AFGHANISTAN |
Humanitarian aid worker Roberta Gately has set her sights on writing novels, impressing critics and authors alike with her spellbinding debut, LIPSTICK IN AFGHANISTAN. In the book, a young nurse named Elsa leaves behind the violent streets of South Boston to run a medical clinic in Afghanistan, armed with only her courage and a lucky tube of lipstick. In this interview, Gately talks about the real-life experiences that inspired her to write her first novel, elaborating on the courage of the Afghan people and the time she spent as a relief worker in the country’s remotest regions. She also muses on the magic of lipstick, speculates on the future of Elsa’s budding but forbidden romance with a charming American soldier, and shares plans for her next work of fiction.
LIPSTICK IN AFGHANISTAN by Roberta Gately (Fiction)
Elsa has dreamed of becoming a nurse since she was a teenager and of helping those with lives more difficult than her own. With lipstick on, she can do anything --- even travel to Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11. But not even the violence of the ER can prepare her for what she is about to witness in Bamiyan. And if she hopes to survive, she’ll have to unveil the warrior within. Reviewed by Norah Piehl.
-Click here to read a review of LIPSTICK IN AFGHANISTAN.
-Click here to read an excerpt from LIPSTICK IN AFGHANISTAN.
Click here to read an interview with Roberta Gately.
Sign Up for Bookreporter.com’s Holiday Cheer Featured Book and Contest Alerts |
This year, Bookreporter.com's Holiday Cheer Contest is giving you the opportunity to win a different title every day! The contest launches on Friday, November 19th, but you’ll have to check the site each day to see that day's featured title and enter to win it. We also will be announcing the day's title in a special daily newsletter that will run through Friday, December 17th. Some days will have bonus prizes available, but you'll need to enter each day to know what that extra something is. Trust us, there will be some BIG prizes you won't want to miss! You can sign up to receive the daily newsletter here. Check back on the 19th for more details!
Click here to sign up for Bookreporter.com's Holiday Cheer Featured Book and Contest Alerts.
Featured Romantic Suspense Author: Kylie Brant, Author of DEADLY INTENT
Kylie Brant returns with DEADLY INTENT, the fourth installment in her Mindhunters series, in which forensic linguist Macy Reid searches for the kidnapped daughter of a Denver tycoon. However, Macy must first confront her own demons with help from an unlikely source.
-Click here to read a review of DEADLY INTENT.
-Click here to read a third excerpt from DEADLY INTENT.
-Click here to read Kylie Brant’s bio.
-Click here to see Kylie Brant’s backlist.
-Click here to read critical praise for DEADLY INTENT and the Mindhunters series.
-Click here to see our finished copy winners.
No one knows the patterns and nuances of communication like forensic linguist Macy Reid. She is also an expert on kidnapping, having experienced firsthand the stark terror of being abducted when she was a child. So she is the perfect investigator to be called in when a Denver tycoon's 11-year-old daughter is abducted --- for the second time. The biggest stumbling block for Macy may be a member of her own team: Kellan Burke, the wisecracking, rule-breaking investigator who relishes getting under Macy's skin. Their styles couldn't be more different; the attraction between them, more explosive. And when it becomes apparent that Macy can't solve this case without confronting the demons from her past, Kell is just the man to take her there --- and back.
Click here to read more about Kylie Brant and DEADLY INTENT.
Miami Book Fair International: November 14-21, 2010
Miami Book Fair International
November 14-21, 2010 - Street Fair: November 19-21
Wolfson Campus, Miami Dade College
Street Fair
November 19-21
$8.00 admission Saturday and Sunday
$5.00 Seniors
18 & under FREE
Enjoy the 27th edition of the nation’s finest and largest literary gathering presented by the Florida Center for the Literary Arts at Miami Dade College. Renowned authors such as Carlos Fuentes, Walter Mosley, Pat Conroy, Nora Ephron and hundreds more, plus 200 exhibitors from around the country and plenty of activities for the kids.
For more information, visit http://www.miamibookfair.com or call (305) 237-3258.
This Week’s Reviews
THE DINOSAUR HUNTER by Homer Hickam (Mystery)
Montana ranches come with more than their share of trouble. The people who live there expect it, and some --- like ex-homicide detective Mike Wire --- even enjoy it. So when a paleontologist comes to dig for dinosaur bones that might be worth a fortune, Mike senses trouble. Because once those bones are discovered, they won’t stay buried. And with a murderer on the loose, he’ll have to fight to save the land he loves. Reviewed by Roz Shea.
-Click here to read an excerpt from THE DINOSAUR HUNTER.
SUNSET PARK by Paul Auster (Fiction)
Readers accustomed to Paul Auster’s complex narrative puzzles in novels like ORACLE NIGHT and MAN IN THE DARK will need to put aside their preconceptions when they pick up his latest work, a quiet, deceptively simple tale of a small group of damaged souls “hanging on by a thread,” as Auster described them in a recent interview. Reviewed by Harvey Freedenberg.
SCORPIONS: The Battles and Triumphs of FDR's Great Supreme Court Justices by Noah Feldman (History)
They began as close allies and friends of FDR, but the quest to shape a new Constitution led them to competition and sometimes outright warfare. SCORPIONS tells the story of Justices Felix Frankfurter, William O. Douglas, Hugo Black and Robert Jackson --- their relationship with Roosevelt, with each other, and with the turbulent world of the Great Depression, World War II and the Cold War. Reviewed by Stuart Shiffman.
BLOODY CRIMES: The Chase for Jefferson Davis and the Death Pageant for Lincoln's Corpse by James Swanson (History)
The months of April and May in 1865 were certainly one of the most eventful and important periods in American history. The capture of Richmond by the Union army, Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, the surrender at Appomattox, the captures of Jefferson Davis and John Wilkes Booth, the final collapse of the Confederacy, and the 13-day journey of Lincoln’s funeral train still resonate in our national consciousness. Historian James Swanson brings it all to vivid life in this fascinating study. Reviewed by Robert Finn.
THE NEXT QUEEN OF HEAVEN by Gregory Maguire (Fiction)
The author of WICKED and SON OF A WITCH takes a departure from the dark side of fairy tales to visit a small town’s more colorful, albeit less normal, characters. There’s a religious mom whose teenagers are among the least likely to succeed, a gay choir leader with a big heart, and a group of ancient nuns hungry for entertainment. Reviewed by Kate Ayers.
-Click here to see the reading group guide for THE NEXT QUEEN OF HEAVEN.
BEFORE YOU SUFFOCATE YOUR OWN FOOL SELF by Danielle Evans (Fiction/Short Stories)
Striking in their emotional immediacy, the stories in BEFORE YOU SUFFOCATE YOUR OWN FOOL SELF are based on a world of inequalities --- where adolescent insecurities and community tensions complicate people’s identities and the choices they make. Reviewed by Sarah Hannah Gómez.
MR. TOPPIT by Charles Elton (Fiction)
When an unsuccessful screenwriter-turned-author gets hit by a cement truck in London, it seems like everything is over…until an American tourist brings posthumous fame to his obscure children’s series, The Hayseed Chronicles. While Arthur Hayman’s family reaps the benefits of his success, a host of others seek their share in the Hayseed phenomenon --- including Laurie, a mysterious girl with a hidden agenda of her own. Reviewed by Sarah Rachel Egelman.
NASHVILLE CHROME by Rick Bass (Fiction)
In 1959, the Brown siblings enjoyed unprecedented success. Their only rival was Elvis, and the Beatles even tried to learn their secret --- a harmony achievable only through shared blood and a perfect pitch honed by the blade at their parents’ sawmill. But the bonds of family began to fray with fame. As her world narrows, Maxine Brown is left ailing and alone --- and looking for a last chance to secure her legacy. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
THE HILLIKER CURSE: My Pursuit of Women by James Ellroy (Memoir)
The year was 1958, and Jean Hilliker had divorced her hustler husband, resurrecting her maiden name. Ten-year-old James hated his mother and “summoned her dead”… and she was murdered three months later. In THE HILLIKER CURSE, James Ellroy unsparingly describes his shattered childhood, detailing everything from his delinquent teens to his brilliant writing career --- even his relationship with an extraordinary woman who might be the long-sought Her. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
HYPOTHERMIA: A Reykjavík Thriller by Arnaldur Indridason (Thriller)
Inspector Erlendur has spent his entire career evading ghosts. But now they’re visiting him: in a séance attended by a dead woman and in the puzzle of two people who’ve been missing for years. Then there’s the ghost of his disastrous marriage, and the brother who vanished when they were children. When they finally catch up with him, he’ll have to face the truth to his past. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
Click here to read this week's reviews.
Poll and Question of the Week: Giving Books This Holiday Season |
Are you planning to give books as gifts this holiday season? Please check as many as apply.
Yes, I am giving books.
I am buying gift cards from brick-and-mortar bookstores.
I am buying gift cards from online booksellers.
I am buying gift cards from online booksellers for people to buy eBooks.
No, I am not buying books or gift cards from bookstores or online booksellers.
I am not sure what I am doing.
-Click here to answer our poll.
Name up to three books you’d like to give as gifts this holiday season.
-Click here to answer our question.
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Those of you who wish to send mail to Bookreporter.com, please see the form on the Write to Us page. If you would like to reach me, please write Carol@bookreporter.com. Writing any of the respond buttons below will not get to us.
Those who are subscribed to the Bookreporter.com newsletter by November 30, 2010 automatically are entered in our Monthly Newsletter Contest. This month, one winner will be selected to win the following five books: THE EMPEROR'S TOMB by Steve Berry, FULL DARK, NO STARS by Stephen King, HELL'S CORNER by David Baldacci, INDULGENCE IN DEATH by J.D. Robb, and MOONLIGHT MILE by Dennis Lehane. Patricia from Lakebay, WA was last month's winner. She won AMERICAN ASSASSIN by Vince Flynn, THE BRAVE by Nicholas Evans, CHASING THE NIGHT by Iris Johansen, OUR KIND OF TRAITOR by John le Carre, and WORTH DYING FOR: A Reacher Novel by Lee Child.
Happy reading! Don't forget to forward this newsletter to a friend or to visit our other websites from TheBookReportNetwork.com: ReadingGroupGuides.com, GraphicNovelReporter.com, FaithfulReader.com, Teenreads.com, Kidsreads.com, AuthorsOnTheWeb.com and AuthorYellowPages.com.
The Book Report Network
250 W. 57th Street - Suite 1228
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