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September 18, 2009 |
September Swimming...and Reading...
There are days when I humor myself, and last Sunday was one of them. The weather was gorgeous, and I sat reading on the deck before what I call "exercise guilt" intruded (this is not to be confused with "book guilt"). I grabbed my iPod and took a brisk walk around the neighborhood trying to mimic the people who I always see from my home office window on Fridays happily strolling along. Since walking sans a purpose does not work for me unless I am on the beach, I was using this opportunity to get landscaping and porch ideas since I want to reinvent ours as they are rather dated.
By the time I got home I was really warm and the pool looked very inviting. I made the mistake of checking the thermometer and it read 68 degrees. Now I had once read in Katharine Hepburn's biography, KATE REMEMBERED by A. Scott Berg, that Hepburn loved swimming in the sea even when it was in the 50s, which I thought was interesting, but I love pools at a minimum of 82 degrees. The pool heater has not been working this summer; I personally think my husband disabled it after the famous October of 2006 when I swam to my heart's content right until Halloween. Then the gas bill came, and let's just say that I was quick to say, "You can make that my Christmas present --- and okay, the birthday one too!"
Well, I really wanted to swim and I did not feel like driving to the Y, so I went in the closet and grabbed the wetsuit I used to wear when we went sailing. Of course, this was from something like 21 years and two children ago. Since wetsuits unlike wedding gowns have some stretch in them, I managed to squirm into this (feeling very slim and self-satisfied and thinking maybe walking worked instantly and wondering if this could work under clothes at the office) and did some laps. And yes, I stayed warm, and yes, it was amusing. Moments like this make me realize that the boys are right when they say that living with me is like being in a sitcom. I have been told that a triathlon wetsuit is cheaper than heating the pool, thus I see one of those in my future. Dating myself here, I did feel a bit like Diver Dan, though my wetsuit is red and blue. And I in no way looked like Superman.
Well, all this working out was just perfect to ready me for a rather crazy week that kicked off with the launch party for Dan Brown's THE LOST SYMBOL. I had met Dan years ago when he was on a panel that I moderated, which I like to say was before he was "Dan Brown." We had a couple of minutes to catch up, and as we did Ben Asen, the event photographer, snapped the photo you see here. It was a really grand fun evening with waiters in white wigs and lots of excitement in the air and symbols reflected on the ceiling. Dan, who was introduced by both the head of his publishing house, Sonny Mehta, and his editor, Jason Kaufman, was both humble and excited in his remarks. He was gracious in thanking everyone: his editor, his wife, his parents (for encouraging him to write stories) and others at the publishing house, including production people and lawyers who pulled together endless NDAs to ensure the book was kept quiet.
As I caught up with friends from the publishing house, they each shared what they had been involved with in making this book happen, which was interesting. One friend even talked about his role in International Marketing. Leaving the party I was handed a copy of the book (before midnight no less) and an audiobook, which was just so cool. It's my version of a bookaholic finding great shoes on sale! I walked back to my car making a brief detour so my son could show some friends as they were eating pizza. Who knew college kids would be that excited about the idea of my having an embargoed book? We'll have our review next week.
Oprah has made her latest selection, and it's SAY YOU'RE ONE OF THEM by Uwem Akpan, a collection of short stories by an African author that came out in June 2008. It's the first time that Oprah has selected a short story collection. Bookreporter.com reviewed the book when it was first published. Here is what the reviewer, Sarah Rachel Egelman, had to say: "In each story Akpan uses language, often a broken but lyrical English, to show the similarities and differences between the diverse peoples of Africa. Because of this, along with powerful plots and sympathetic narrators, SAY YOU'RE ONE OF THEM is an unforgettable, beautiful, authentic and wise literary call to action. Akpan's book is highly recommended and will leave readers wanting more of his dark, carefully moralistic and quite extraordinary tales." You can read the rest of her review here. ReadingGroupGuides.com has a guide for the book here, and you can read more about the author on his website here.
We have an interview with David Small, the author of STITCHES, a wonderful graphic novel that has been getting a ton of buzz these last few months since it was previewed at BookExpo America as a buzz title. I am thrilled to share that it will debut on the New York Times Graphic Novel list at number one! John Hogan's interview is terrific and will give you a good sense of the book, especially if read in context with his review.
I was thrilled to see how many of you became fans of Bookreporter.com on Facebook this past week. We are going to use that page to share information with you between updates, including things like media appearances by authors that you may want to catch. This week we linked to a number of appearances surrounding the Dan Brown, Ted Kennedy and Jon Krakauer releases. As time goes on, we will delve into other items of interest as well. I added my travel schedule on the left of the page so you can see where I am planning to be. It's been fun seeing your photos so I know who we are talking to! Want to become a fan on Facebook? Then click here.
For those of you who do not want to have a Facebook account or profile, no worries. We are planning to recap the highlights of what is talked about on Facebook during the week on the Bookreporter.com Blog each Friday. Consider it the highlights reel. We'll link you to that each week. Here's this week's roundup.
Speaking of media, bestselling author Michael Connelly will make a guest appearance on ABC-TV's "Castle" for the show's second season debut episode, airing Monday, September 21st. During the show's first season pilot episode, James Patterson and Stephen J. Cannell guest-starred. Authors as actors, who knew? I guess it's retaliation for celebrities as authors! And I will see Michael in Indianapolis in October when he is honored at the Bouchercon Mystery Convention.
Speaking of travel, on the weekend of October 2-4 I will be at the Fairmont Scottsdale Hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona with Lisa See, Anita Diamant and Debra Dean for what promises to be a terrific weekend for book lovers, especially those of you who are in book groups. It's part of a group of six weekends of author events running from October through early December that they are calling "Season of Personal Discovery" Weekend Getaways. Want to read more about these weekends? Click here.
We have more advance reader comments about Joseph Finder's VANISHED, which you can read here. Those who loved Muriel Barbery's THE ELEGANCE OF THE HEDGEHOG will be happy to see that her new book, GOURMET RHAPSODY, is in stores. Also, for those who loved Jacquelyn Mitchard's THE DEEP END OF THE OCEAN, you will want to read her follow-up novel, NO TIME TO WAVE GOODBYE.
This week I went to see The September Issue, the film about the making of the September 2007 issue of Vogue magazine. For fashion, magazine and media junkies, it's a total blast. I went with my friend Beverley, who worked with me at Conde Nast, and it was fun to see people we knew. One takeaway. Looking at the final product it was not clothes in photos, but rather costumes in art. Seriously, looking at what was done with those layouts, it came to me over dinner later that night. It was fun to look back at my magazine days, but I am much happier here in book land.
Quiet weekend planned here....I want to get past page 32 in THE LOST SYMBOL. I was going to do that the other night, but this week an all-nighter was not going to work for me! It started out fast and I am looking forward to it. Would love to know what you think if you are reading it. I also am taking my son Cory to the Clinton Bookshop tomorrow to meet a Master Lego Builder, Sean Kenney. Happy New Year to all our Jewish friends who are celebrating this weekend.
Carol Fitzgerald (Carol@bookreporter.com)
Now in Stores: THE LOST SYMBOL by Dan Brown
THE LOST SYMBOL by Dan Brown (Thriller)
In this stunning follow-up to the global phenomenon THE DA VINCI CODE, Dan Brown demonstrates once again why he is the world's most popular thriller writer. THE LOST SYMBOL is a masterstroke of storytelling --- a deadly race through a real-world labyrinth of codes, secrets and unseen truths…all under the watchful eye of Brown's most terrifying villain to date. Set within the hidden chambers, tunnels and temples of Washington, D.C., THE LOST SYMBOL accelerates through a startling landscape toward an unthinkable finale.
Check back Friday, September 25th for our review of THE LOST SYMBOL.
-Click here to read an excerpt from THE LOST SYMBOL.
-Visit the official website for the book, www.TheLostSymbol.com.
Click here to read more about THE LOST SYMBOL.
GraphicNovelReporter.com Talks to David Small, Author of STITCHES
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Having made a name for himself writing and illustrating children's books for nearly three decades, award-winning author David Small recently turned his attention to more serious and personal matters, penning STITCHES, a memoir in graphic novel form that chronicles his childhood in an abusive and emotionally absent household. In this interview with John Hogan, the Editorial Director for GraphicNovelReporter.com, Small talks about what prompted this departure from his usual fare, and recalls both the traumatic and thrilling experiences of reliving such a painful period in his life. He also explains what he has since learned about his family that perhaps provides some insight into their behavior, and shares how his upbringing helped shape him into the artist he is today.
STITCHES: A Memoir by David Small (Graphic Memoir)
The youngest of two children, David Small had problems with each of his family members, all of whom isolated themselves in some way and caused him some kind of turmoil. But it was his father who did the most lasting damage. The ongoing radiology treatments performed on Small --- done to “cure” him of sicknesses he faced --- perhaps caused the cancerous growth that had to be removed, along with one of his vocal cords, at the age of 14. Small recreates a life story that might have been imagined by Kafka. Reviewed by John Hogan.
-Click here to read a review of STITCHES.
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Click here to read our interview with David Small.
Now in Stores: HOMER & LANGLEY by E.L. Doctorow
HOMER & LANGLEY by E.L. Doctorow (Fiction)
E.L. Doctorow has moved the tale of the eccentric Collyer brothers and their obsessive hoarding from the sideshow of American history to center stage. Strange as that story may be, he makes us feel privileged --- in an odd way perhaps --- to share it. Reviewed by Harvey Freedenberg.
-Click here to read an excerpt from HOMER & LANGLEY.
Click here to read a review of HOMER & LANGLEY.
Now in Stores: NO TIME TO WAVE GOODBYE by Jacquelyn Mitchard
NO TIME TO WAVE GOODBYE by Jacquelyn Mitchard (Fiction)
Jacquelyn Mitchard, the bestselling author of THE DEEP END OF THE OCEAN, gives us a worthy sequel --- a nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat page-turner. Here, we find the Cappadora family riding an emotional roller coaster rivaling the horrendous disappearance of their son Ben 22 years ago. Reviewed by Terry Miller Shannon.
-Click here to read an excerpt from NO TIME TO WAVE GOODBYE.
-Click here to read Jacquelyn Mitchard's ReadingGroupGuides.com blog post,
"Because They Waited for Me."
Click here to read a review of NO TIME TO WAVE GOODBYE.
Now in Stores: GOURMET RHAPSODY by Muriel Barbery
GOURMET RHAPSODY by Muriel Barbery (Fiction)
In the heart of Paris, in the posh building made famous in THE ELEGANCE OF THE HEDGEHOG, the greatest food critic in the world is dying. During his final hours, Monsieur Pierre Arthens is desperately searching for that singular flavor, that sublime something once sampled, never forgotten, the Flavor par excellence. Indeed, this flamboyant and self-absorbed man desires only one thing before he dies: one last taste. Reviewed by Eileen Zimmerman Nicol.
Click here to read a review of GOURMET RHAPSODY.
Bookreporter.com Talks to Michelle Moran, Author of CLEOPATRA'S DAUGHTER
Michelle Moran is the bestselling author of three works of historical fiction --- NEFERTITI, THE HERETIC'S QUEEN and the newly released CLEOPATRA'S DAUGHTER --- each of which is centered on legendary princesses of ancient Egypt. In this interview with Bookreporter.com's Melanie Smith, Moran recalls the college experience that sparked her interest in this particular time and setting, and recounts the moments of inspiration that prompted her to write each of her books. She also provides some background information on her characters, shares what she hopes readers will take away from her work, and reveals which historical era she will focus on in her next novel.
CLEOPATRA'S DAUGHTER by Michelle Moran (Historical Fiction)
The fateful tale of twins Selene and Alexander --- two of Marc Antony and Cleopatra’s children --- is brought brilliantly to life in CLEOPATRA’S DAUGHTER, a fascinating portrait of imperial Rome and of the people and events of this glorious and most tumultuous period in human history. Reviewed by Melanie Smith.
-Click here to read a review of CLEOPATRA'S DAUGHTER.
-Click here to read an excerpt from CLEOPATRA'S DAUGHTER.
-Click here to read Michelle Moran's ReadingGroupGuides.com blog post, "Life and Libraries in the Classical Age."
Click here to read our interview with Michelle Moran.
Special Contest: Win a Signed Copy of the First Three Titles in Kylie Brant’s New Mindhunters Series!
We’re celebrating the release of Kylie Brant’s new romantic suspense series, The Mindhunters, with a special contest. Five readers will have the opportunity to each win a signed copy of the first three titles in the Mindhunters series, including WAKING NIGHTMARE (now available in stores), WAKING EVIL (October 2009) and WAKING THE DEAD (November 2009). Readers who answer the question correctly by reading an excerpt from WAKING NIGHTMARE will be automatically entered to win.
Enter between now and Thursday, October 15th by filling out the form found here.
WAKING NIGHTMARE: The Mindhunters, Book 1 by Kylie Brant (Romantic Suspense)
With a serial rapist loose on the streets of Savannah, hotshot detective Ryne Robel needs answers, not the psychobabble head games of forensic profiler Abbie Phillips. Abbie must convince him that head games are exactly what this elusive suspect is all about. Because the seemingly random acts of torture are actually calculated to match each victim's darkest fears. And what he's learned about Abbie and Ryne has the vicious psychopath turning his sights on them.
-Click here to read more about WAKING NIGHTMARE.
-Click here to read an excerpt from WAKING NIGHTMARE.
WAKING EVIL: The Mindhunters, Book 2 by Kylie Brant (Romantic Suspense)
When a body of a young woman is found in rural Buffalo Springs, Tennessee, forensic investigator Ramsey Clark is called in. Ramsey believes in evidence, not superstition, despite what she's told by Devlin Stryker, the famed parapsychologist who has been dogging her every step. But when another murder rocks the town, Ramsey begins to wonder if the killer is playing on everyone's fears, or if a prophecy is indeed being fulfilled --- one victim at a time.
-Click here to read more about WAKING EVIL.
-Click here to read an excerpt from WAKING EVIL.
WAKING THE DEAD: The Mindhunters, Book 3 by Kylie Brant (Romantic Suspense)
Forensic anthropologist Caitlin Fleming is called in when seven sets of human remains are found dumped in the Oregon wilderness. The skeletons bear the same distinctive marks --- and each is missing a skull. Cait needs wilderness guide Zach Sharper for one reason only --- to lead her through the Willamette Forest in the search for clues. But as desire burns between them, the killer closes in to terminate the search --- and the investigator on the verge of unmasking him.
-Click here to read more about WAKING THE DEAD.
-Click here to read an excerpt from WAKING THE DEAD.
Click here for more details about the contest and how to enter.
Featured Suspense/Thriller Author: Nevada Barr, Author of 13 1/2
Nevada Barr is the New York Times bestselling author of the award-winning Anna Pigeon novels. In 13 1/2, Barr weaves a terrifying stand-alone thriller in which a respected professor of literature begins suspecting that there might be a connection between her beau and a series of gruesome murders that occurred decades earlier. 13 1/2 will be available in stores on September 29th.
-Click here to read a second excerpt from 13 1/2.
-Click here to read Nevada Barr’s bio.
-Click here to see Nevada Barr's backlist.
-Click here to read critical praise for 13 1/2.
-Visit Nevada Barr’s official website, www.NevadaBarr.com.
-Click here to see our advance copy winners.
More about 13 1/2:
With 13 1/2, Nevada Barr, New York Times bestselling author of the award-winning Anna Pigeon novels, has written a taut and terrifying psychological thriller. It carries the reader from the horrifying 1970s murder spree of a child --- dubbed “Butcher Boy” by a shocked public --- in Rochester, Minnesota, to Polly, the abused daughter of Mississippi “trailer trash,” to post-Katrina New Orleans. Bestselling Jeffery Deaver raves that 13 1/2 "is a hands-down winner!”
Click here to read more about Nevada Barr and 13 1/2.
Featured Suspense/Thriller Author: R.J. Ellory, Author of A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS
R.J. Ellory is the author of five novels being released in the U.S. by Overlook Press. A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS, which has earned international acclaim, was a Richard & Judy Book Club selection in 2008 and was shortlisted for the American Barry Award for Best British Crime Fiction. In A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS, which is now available in stores, Ellory blends literary style into a mesmerizing and haunting crime story.
-Click here to read a second excerpt from A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS.
-Click here to read R.J. Ellory’s bio.
-Click here to read critical praise for A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS.
-Visit R.J. Ellory’s official website, www.RJEllory.com.
-Visit the official website for the book, www.QuietBeliefInAngels.com.
-Click here to watch a video in which R.J. Ellory discusses A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS.
-Click here to see our advance copy winners.
Growing up in rural Georgia during the 1940s, Joseph Vaughan finds himself at the center of a series of mutilations and killings of young girls. The killers are never caught, and Joseph, an aspiring writer, continues to be haunted by the murders. Years later he sets out to forge a new life in New York. But even there the past won’t leave him alone --- for it seems that the murderer still lives and is killing again, and that the secret to his identity lies in Joseph’s own history.
Click here to read more about R.J. Ellory and A QUIET BELIEF IN ANGELS.
Featured Suspense/Thriller Author: Michael Walsh, Author of HOSTILE INTENT
Born on the United States Marine Corps base, Michael Walsh comes from a long line of American servicemen. His debut novel, ÉXCHANGE ALLEY, was a Book-of-the-Month Club alternate selection upon its publication in 1997 and still a cult favorite today. It was followed by AS TIME GOES BY, the controversial sequel to the movie Casablanca, which has been translated into 22 languages. In HOSTILE INTENT, his new novel now in stores, someone is trying to draw a covert government agent out of the shadows through acts of terror.
-Click here to read a second excerpt from HOSTILE INTENT.
-Click here to read Michael Walsh’s bio.
-Click here to see Michael Walsh's backlist.
-Click here to read critical praise for HOSTILE INTENT.
-Click here to see our advance copy winners.
It starts with the unthinkable --- the most horrific act of violence ever committed on American soil --- and only one man can stop them.
Michael Walsh --- New York Times bestselling author of AS TIME GOES BY --- is back with his first military thriller about an ultra-top secret US Government-Op, whose real identity is known only by a select few in the highest echelons of Washington, D.C. Someone is trying to draw him out by putting America’s citizens in the crosshairs --- and they will continue the slaughter until they get what they want.
Click here to read more about Michael Walsh and HOSTILE INTENT.
Featured Suspense/Thriller Author: Alan Jacobson, Author of CRUSH
Alan Jacobson is the national bestselling author of the critically acclaimed thriller THE 7th VICTIM, which was named to Library Journal’s “Best Books of the Year” list for 2008. With CRUSH, Jacobson again delivers an enthralling novel in which Karen Vail, the memorable heroine of THE 7th VICTIM, faces the most evil serial killer of her career. CRUSH will be available in stores on September 22nd.
-Click here to read a third excerpt from CRUSH.
-Click here to read Alan Jacobson’s bio.
-Click here to see Alan Jacobson's backlist.
-Click here to read critical praise for CRUSH.
-Visit Alan Jacobson’s official website, www.AlanJacobson.com.
-Click here to see our advance copy winners.
More about CRUSH:
Fresh off the most challenging case of her career, THE 7th VICTIM heroine and renowned FBI profiler Karen Vail returns in an explosive thriller set against the backdrop of California’s wine country. Meticulously researched during years of work with the FBI profiling unit and extensive interviews with wine industry professionals, bestselling author Alan Jacobson delivers a high-velocity thriller featuring the kind of edge of-your-seat ending that inspired Nelson DeMille to call him “a hell of a writer.”
Click here to read more about Alan Jacobson and CRUSH.
Featured Romantic Suspense Author: Beverly Barton, Author of SILENT KILLER
New York Times bestselling author Beverly Barton has written over 50 contemporary romance novels and is a two-time Maggie Award winner, a two-time National Readers’ Choice Award winner and the recipient of a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Series Romantic Adventure. In SILENT KILLER, her new romantic suspense novel now in stores, an Alabama town becomes the target of a serial killer on a quest for vengeance.
-Click here to read a third excerpt from SILENT KILLER.
-Click here to read Beverly Barton’s bio.
-Click here to see Beverly Barton's backlist.
-Click here to read critical praise for SILENT KILLER.
-Visit Beverly Barton’s official website, www.BeverlyBarton.com.
-Click here to watch a trailer for SILENT KILLER.
-Click here to see our advance copy winners.
SILENT KILLER is the searing new thriller from award-winning and national bestselling author Beverly Barton. A serial killer is at work --- one whose rage grows more vicious each day --- and in a town full of secrets, trusting the wrong person could be deadly.
Click here to read more about Beverly Barton and SILENT KILLER.
This Week's Reviews
THE DEVIL’S PUNCHBOWL by Greg Iles (Thriller)
THE DEVIL’S PUNCHBOWL is a high-caliber thriller taking place in the Deep South about one month after Hurricane Katrina. Penn Cage, the mayor of Natchez, Mississippi, is faced with the murder of an old classmate at the hands of an evil syndicate that runs the gambling riverboats along his stretch of the Mississippi River. These men hold the town in a death grip as they are also involved in several illegal enterprises and appear to be unstoppable. Reviewed by Ray Palen.
HEART OF THE ASSASSIN by Robert Ferrigno (Futuristic Thriller)
Time is running out for the Islamic Republic and the Bible Belt, the two warring nations that arose when the former United States split apart after an economic collapse left tens of millions unemployed and desperate for leadership. Weakened by their endless conflict, both countries are now threatened by the expansionist dreams of the Aztlán Empire (formerly known as Mexico) to the south. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
NEW WORLD MONKEYS by Nancy Mauro (Fiction)
Duncan and Lily flee Manhattan for the peaceful allure of a recently inherited crumbling Victorian home. But the two are left with little time to ponder the traditional "he said, she said" failings of a relationship. On an upstate road miles shy of their house, a wild boar leaps to his death in front of their Saab --- an accident whose consequences will haunt them throughout the summer. Reviewed by L. Dean Murphy.
THE SARI SHOP WIDOW by Shobhan Bantwal (Fiction)
Anjalie Kapadia's sari shop in Little India, Silk & Sapphires, is her life. But when financial difficulties threaten her livelihood, she has to decide whether or not she can trust the sexy and dashing Rishi Shah with her business as well as her heart. Reviewed by Amie Taylor.
HELL by Robert Olen Butler (Fiction)
Robert Olen Butler’s portrait of Hell is wise and humane, more than a little sarcastic, and entirely new. Beneath all the carnivalesque satire of this novel lie core questions of redemption and individual responsibility. Admittedly an uneven and sometimes clumsy narrative, HELL points the way to what makes us human. Reviewed by Max Falkowitz.
OF BEES AND MIST by Erick Setiawan (Fiction)
Raised in a sepulchral house where ghosts dwell in mirrors, Meridia grows up lonely and miserable. But at age 16, she has a chance at happiness when she falls in love with Daniel, a caring and naive young man. Soon they marry, and Meridia can finally escape to live with her husband's family, unaware that they harbor dark secrets of their own. Reviewed by Norah Piehl.
RED TO BLACK by Alex Dryden (Thriller)
At the dawn of the new millennium, Finn, an MI6 spy, and Anna, a colonel in the KGB, have been ordered to gather intelligence on each other. Instead they find a love that becomes the only truth they can trust. A source deep within the Kremlin tells Finn of a plan, hatched in the depths of the Cold War, to dismantle the Soviet communist state and replace it with a new imperium within Russia: a plan to control the whole of Europe. Reviewed by Joe Hartlaub.
RESURRECTION: The Miracle Season That Saved Notre Dame Football by Jim Dent (Sports)
As the 2009 college football season gets underway, the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame are once again seeking admission back into the top echelon of college football programs. In 1964, after nearly a decade of football failure, the Irish were in similar dire straits. Ara Parseghian became their savior that season and led them back to college football prominence. RESURRECTION is the stirring saga of that season, which even Notre Dame haters will find an engrossing piece of football history. Reviewed by Stuart Shiffman.
THE WILD MARSH: Four Seasons at Home in Montana by Rick Bass (Memoir)
THE WILD MARSH begins with Rick Bass’s family settling in for the long Montana winter, and captures all the subtle harbingers of change that mark each passing month --- the initial cruel teasing of spring, the splendor and fecundity of summer, and the bittersweet memories evoked by fall. Reviewed by Jana Siciliano.
Read this week's reviews here.
Poll, Question and Word of Mouth
Are you planning to read THE LOST SYMBOL, Dan Brown’s new book?
Yes, right away
Yes, when I can get to it
I am not sure.
If you plan to read THE LOST SYMBOL, how will you be reading it?
In hardcover
In eBook format
In an audiobook format
I will wait for the paperback.
I am not sure what I will do.
I am not planning to read it.
-Click here to answer our poll.
We’ve updated our Coming Soon feature with titles from September through December. Name up to 5 books releasing during these months that you’re most looking forward to reading.
-Click here to answer our question.
Word of Mouth:
Tell us what books YOU are reading and loving --- or even those you don't.
This week we have three great prizes: FIVE readers each will win a copy of THE LOST SYMBOL by Dan Brown, AN ECHO IN THE BONE by Diana Gabaldon and A CHANGE IN ALTITUDE by Anita Shreve. Tell us what you are reading and rate the titles 1-5 by noon on September 25th to ensure that you are in the running to win these books.
Need more details about Word of Mouth? Click here.
As always, here are a few housekeeping notes. If you are seeing this newsletter in a text version, and would prefer to see the graphics, you can either read it online or change your preferences below.
Those of you who wish to send mail to Bookreporter.com, please see the form on the Write to Us page. If you would like to reach me, please write Carol@bookreporter.com. Writing any of the respond buttons below will not get to us.
Those who are subscribed to the Bookreporter.com newsletter by September 30, 2009 automatically are entered in our Monthly Newsletter Contest. This month, one winner will be selected to win the following five books: AN ECHO IN THE BONE by Diana Gabaldon, HAVE A LITTLE FAITH: A True Story by Mitch Albom, HER FEARFUL SYMMETRY by Audrey Niffenegger, THE LAST SONG by Nicholas Sparks and THE PROMISED WORLD by Lisa Tucker. Paulette from Plantation, FL was last month's newsletter winner. She won RHINO RANCH by Larry McMurtry, SMASH CUT by Sandra Brown, THAT OLD CAPE MAGIC by Richard Russo, THIS IS WHERE I LEAVE YOU by Jonathan Tropper and VANISHED by Joseph Finder.
Happy reading! Don't forget to forward this newsletter to a friend or to visit our other websites from TheBookReportNetwork.com: ReadingGroupGuides.com, GraphicNovelReporter.com, FaithfulReader.com, Teenreads.com, Kidsreads.com, AuthorsOnTheWeb.com and AuthorYellowPages.com. font>
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