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Marie Bostwick --- co-author of SNOW ANGELS, featured in
Today's guest blogger is Kaitlin O'Riley, author of DESIRE IN HER EYES.
Newt Gingrich, who recently co-authored TO TRY MEN’S SOULS: A Novel of George Washington and the Fight for American Freedom, details his nearly impossible Christmas wish for a literary rarity in a story that ends in a true holiday fashion
Suzan Colón, author of CHERRIES IN WINTER, thinks back to the special relationship she shared with her grandfather, and the parallels between her own life and that of Johanna Spyri's titular character, HEIDI.
Oftentimes, as adults, we revisit the books we've read as children and come away with an entirely new understanding of old, familiar stories.
Today's guest blogger is Celia Rivenbark, a humor columnist and the author of five essay collections including STOP DRESSING YOUR SIX YEAR OLD LIKE A SKANK, WE'RE JUST LIKE YOU, ONLY PRETTIER,
This evening, Holly Goddard Jones --- author of GIRL TROUBLE: Stories --- traces her reverence for the written word back to one childhood Christmas, and the life lessons learned from the unforgettable presents she received.
In an equally heartwarming and heartbreaking story about her mother, Cathy Lamb --- author of JULIA'S CHOCOLATES, THE LAST TIME I WAS ME and HENRY'S SISTER --- illustrates how, like the famous quote says, you gotta put up with the rain if you want the rainbow.
Carol was quoted in USA TODAY's article about Oprah Winfrey's big announcement. The London Times newspaper has published its Top 100 Books of the Decade. Publishers Weekly just released its Best of 2009 list. Any of your favorites make the list? Any surprises? Omissions?