Wendy Sherman and Kim Perel, two New York literary agents have co-edited a collection of stories by 23 women writers about the first year of marriage called WEDDING CAKE FOR BREAKFAST: Essays on the Unforgettable First Year of Marriage. Here, Wendy talks about her own wedding memories, what she’s learned about marriage and what she and Kim learned from their experience editing this honest --- and thought-provoking -- book that would make a great shower or wedding gift.
Now, 25 years later, I know the truth is that you’re never done. The first year of marriage is just the first of many: first home together, first Thanksgiving in said new home, first anniversary, first baby, and so on. Life is filled with events, both planned and unexpected. Joyous, ordinary, heartbreaking. It's a work-in-progress every step of the way (and isn't that wonderful!).
When Kim Perel and I started the process of editing an anthology on the first year of marriage, we didn't really know what would be involved. There were so many aspects that were challenging --- such as seeking out the right mix of contributors who had the time and interest to participate, and so many aspects that were fun and exciting --- like the across-the-board enthusiasm and incredible essays we did receive.
Each essay delighted and surprised us with its unique perspective and wonderful style. But best of all has been the opportunity to get to know the fantastic women writers who shared their stories in WEDDING CAKE FOR BREAKFAST: Essays on the Unforgettable First Year of Marriage; working with these inspiring women has proven to be a tremendously gratifying experience. Today is our pub date and many might consider that, in some ways, the book is “done” because it’s finally in print, but I know it’s just another beginning…