Today's Featured Title and Contest |
June 28, 2016 |
This Bookreporter.com Special Newsletter spotlights a book that we think is a great summer reading selection. Read more about it, and enter our Summer Reading Contest by Wednesday, June 29th at 11:59am ET for a chance to win one of five copies of THE DAY OF THE DONALD: Trump Trumps America! by Andrew Shaffer, which is now available. Please note that each contest is only open for 24 hours, so you will need to act quickly!
You can take a look at all the books we're giving away in this year's Summer Reading contests on our new Pinterest page here.
Today's Featured Book and Contest: THE DAY OF THE DONALD: Trump Trumps America! by Andrew Shaffer
On January 20, 2017, on the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., a tall, orange man with a dubious hairline places his hand on a paperback of THE ART OF THE DEAL and pledges to defend the Constitution of the United States, whatever that is. Before the sun sets on this hugely momentous day, the real-estate mogul-turned-reality show star-turned-leader of the hypothetically Free World reclines in the Oval Office, a glass of Trump Ice in his little hand. He Skypes in with his BFF Vladimir Putin; assembles his Cabinet and White House staff, including a former Miss Universe as chief of staff; and procures some sizzling new lingerie for the new First Lady.
Two years later, as the increasingly ironically named United States of America barrels toward war with the United Kingdom, and the never-quite-finished Mexican wall is continually breached by refugees (risking their lives to get to Mexico), disgraced ex-tabloid reporter Jimmie Bernwood drags himself through his days freelancing for chump change...until The Donald plucks him from the depths of despair.
Jimmie becomes the president’s official biographer, giving him enviable access to the gold-plated Trump White House and all of its secrets. This, in turn, makes him a prime recruitment target of a ragtag resistance movement determined to dump The Donald and Make America Great Again (Again).
When Trump's previous biographer turns up dead, Jimmie finds himself uncharacteristically seized with the compulsion to do some real investigative reporting, get to the bottom of what proves to be only the first in a long series of murders...and, if it’s absolutely unavoidable, save the country.
-Click here to read an excerpt.
-Visit the book's official website, Facebook and Twitter.
-Visit Andrew Shaffer's official website, Instagram, Tumblr and YouTube channel.
-Connect with Andrew Shaffer on Facebook and Twitter.
*Please note that Bookreporter.com and The Book Report Network maintain neutrality in all political affairs.
Click here to enter the contest by Wednesday, June 29th at 11:59am ET. |
This is a special newsletter for our Summer Reading Contests, which will mail on select days through Thursday, August 25th. This newsletter is separate from our weekly Bookreporter.com newsletter, which mails every Friday. You can subscribe to that newsletter here.
Don't forget to visit our other websites from TheBookReportNetwork.com: 20SomethingReads.com, Teenreads.com, Kidsreads.com, ReadingGroupGuides.com, GraphicNovelReporter.com and AuthorsOnTheWeb.com.
And be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
The Book Report Network
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New York, New York 10107 |