The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You Bets On...
About the Book
The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You
July 2019
THE NEAREST EXIT MAY BE BEHIND YOU by Amulya Malladi is a fun, funny, brisk and smart novel that brings readers a sharp storyline, as well as a deep dive into the culture of global corporate politics.
Many years ago, I read a few books by Amulya that I had enjoyed. So when this one got on my radar, I quickly requested a copy. In it, Asmi is a marketing director at a biotech company. A career woman through and through, she travels the world for work and knows airports the way most people know their local supermarket. She’s close to 40, and suddenly she’s thrown into a race against a co-worker for an enviable position. Does she have the confidence to go for it, and does she have what it takes? At the same time, she’s exited a relationship with a lover who lives in Paris and is inconveniently married. But does she want it to end? And what’s next for her in terms of a relationship?
Reverberating throughout is the question: Just what does it take for a woman to get ahead? Laced in between are workbook and workshop entries, which could serve as touchstones for Asmi and notes for a career-minded reader to ponder. Sheryl Sandberg and her “lean in” philosophy gets a tad more praise than I believe is due, especially since I feel that recently she has done a lot of “leaning out,” but so much else works in the book that this is forgiven. Amulya is a corporate marketing executive who also knows her airports, so the jet lag touched upon in these pages, as well as the endless hotel rooms and flights, comes from one who truly has experienced it.
The novel is smart, not frothy, and filled with topics that can be discussed at length. As I read the title, I could picture a flight attendant pointing to the exits. I found myself finishing it and looking for a sequel.
The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You
- Publication Date: May 16, 2019
- Genres: Fiction
- Paperback: 320 pages
- Publisher: And Then She Said Press
- ISBN-10: 1096250780
- ISBN-13: 9781096250784