The Lie Maker Bets On...

About the Book
The Lie Maker
June 2023
It’s no secret to Bookreporter readers that Linwood Barclay is one of my favorite authors. With THE LIE MAKER, he has written what I think is his best book. I love the way that he introduces us to characters, and as we come to know them, we immediately start thinking, Hmmmm, how are these people all going to come together?
Jack Givins had a crazy thing happen to him when he was young. His dad went into witness protection after years as a hitman for a group of “bad men,” and then he was a witness against them. But his soul is by no means clear. As he tells Jack, “I killed people,” and you just cannot say, “I’m sorry about that.” Jack’s mom opts not to leave, so Jack is ripped away from his dad. It’s a very sad goodbye that will plague him for years.
So when Jack is asked to apply for a top-secret position, for someone who creates bios of those who need to be hidden by U.S. Marshals, he jumps at the chance. Maybe these people can get him to his dad. From there, whoosh, we get to the part where we think we know what is going on…but then Linwood spins you this way and that way. I think about those bumper cars we rode as kids. BOOM, you cannot go this way. BOOM, you cannot go that way. And finally, BOOM, I really did not see that coming.
Linwood also explains enough that you think a character can get out of a situation that they are in. But just when you are convinced that they are safe, their lives head off the rails.
Knowing Linwood’s love for his dad, who died too young, I see a lot of heart and soul in THE LIE MAKER. There are homages to the meaning of dads and love for them in this book. And there is something that happens here that mirrors something that he holds dear in his own life. If you watch or listen to my interview with him, you will see what I mean.
Written with Linwood’s usual brisk pace, it will keep you turning pages long into the night, as I did. Hello, 3am! But it was worth it.