Week of July 30, 2018
New in Paperback
Week of July 30, 2018

Paperback releases for the week of July 30th include Y IS FOR YESTERDAY, which finds private investigator Kinsey Millhone confronting her darkest and most disturbing case, and marks the end of the Alphabet mysteries following the passing of Sue Grafton in December 2017; AN ODYSSEY by award-winning memoirist and critic Daniel Mendelsohn, a deeply moving tale of a father and son's transformative journey in reading --- and reliving --- Homer's epic masterpiece; AT THE STRANGER’S GATE, Adam Gopnik’s vivid memoir that captures the romance of New York City in the 1980s; and Nate Blakeslee’s AMERICAN WOLF, the enthralling story of the rise and reign of O-Six, the celebrated Yellowstone wolf, and the people who loved or feared her.