Week of August 21, 2023
New in Paperback
Week of August 21, 2023

Paperback releases for the week of August 21st include OUR MISSING HEARTS by Celeste Ng, an inspiring novel about a mother’s unshakeable love; LONG SHADOWS, the seventh thriller in David Baldacci's series starring “Memory Man” Amos Decker --- an FBI consultant with perfect recall --- who delves into a bewildering double homicide; WAGING A GOOD WAR, an indispensable addition to the literature of racial justice and social change from Thomas E. Ricks, who offers a new take on the Civil Rights Movement, stressing its unexpected use of military strategy and its lessons for nonviolent resistance around the world; A PLACE IN THE WORLD, a lyrical and evocative collection of personal stories from Frances Mayes, in which the queen of wanderlust reflects on the comforts of home; and the paperback original THE ENEMY AT HOME by Kevin O'Brien, a provocative blend of vivid, richly detailed historical fiction and taut suspense that revolves around a serial killer who preys on women working in Seattle’s factories as World War II rages overseas.