2014 Christmas Books Roundup
Christmas Books
2014 Christmas Books Roundup

With the holidays right around the corner, we are pleased to present our annual Christmas Books Roundup. This year, we feature a mix of fiction and nonfiction titles that truly capture the spirit of the season. They include SNOWFALL, a romantic novella from Shelley Shepard Gray's Days of Redemption series; SILENT NIGHT, HOLY NIGHT, a riveting collection of two Christmas Eve stories featuring some of Colleen Coble's most famous characters; and BELIEVE, a Christmastime booklet focusing on the joy that comes with celebrating our savior. Feel free to take time to enjoy these books with family and friends, especially during this hectic time of year. And if you’re stuck for gift ideas, we’re sure our list will offer some wonderful suggestions for those closest to you --- and maybe even yourself!