The Plot Bets On...
About the Book
The Plot
May 2021
Jacob Finch Bonner was once a promising novelist whose first book had some mild success. But his career has slid, and he finds himself teaching at a third-rate MFA program where he meets a student who is full of braggadocio and is completely self-absorbed. Evan Parker knows he has written a bestseller; he’s even figured out his author name. Yes, he has that kind of writerly arrogance. He runs the plot by Jake, who realizes there is something solid there.
So when Jake learns that his former student has died, he comes up with a plan. He will publish that book as his own. And it is a huge bestseller. But then one day he sees something online that can rip his world apart: You are a thief.
I immediately got the feeling that it was not going to end well for Jake! Hey, I remember from school, “Keep your eyes on your own paper.” He is haunted as the messages keep coming. Does he tell his publisher and agent what is happening? Throughout THE PLOT, readers are treated to excerpts from Crib, the novel that Jake has written. This means that Jean Hanff Korelitz wrote two plots and storylines for this book.
It’s a fun look inside publishing. Jean nails the anxiety of writers, as well as the publishing experience, including the author tour, where Jake meets a woman who becomes his wife. That has happened to at least one author I know. THE PLOT is twisty and fun, and unlike our reviewer, I did not see the ending coming. I was so enjoying being part of the ride. I hope you do too.
The Plot
- Publication Date: May 3, 2022
- Genres: Fiction, Psychological Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Suspense, Thriller
- Paperback: 336 pages
- Publisher: Celadon Books
- ISBN-10: 1250790751
- ISBN-13: 9781250790750