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Tia Levings


Tia Levings

Tia Levings writes about the realities of religious trauma and Christian fundamentalism. Based in Jacksonville, Florida, she works as a freelance Content Strategist and travels often. She is mom to four incredible adults, and she loves to hike, paint and daydream. A WELL-TRAINED WIFE is her first book.

Tia Levings

Books by Tia Levings

by Tia Levings - Memoir, Nonfiction

Recruited into the fundamentalist Quiverfull movement as a young wife, Tia Levings learned that being a good Christian meant following a list of additional life principles --- a series of secret, special rules to obey. Women were to be silent, “keepers of the home.” Tia knew that to their neighbors her family was strange, but she also couldn't risk exposing their secret lifestyle to police, doctors, teachers or anyone outside of their church. So, she hid in plain sight as years of abuse and pain followed. When Tia realized she was the only one who could protect her children from becoming the next generation of patriarchal men and submissive women, she began to resist and question how they lived. A WELL-TRAINED WIFE is an unforgettable and timely memoir about a woman's race to save herself and her family and details the ways that extreme views can manifest in a marriage.