Christopher J. H. Wright
Christopher J. H. Wright
As the successor to John Stott, Dr. Chris Wright is the current international director of the Langham Partnership International --- a consortium of trusts founded by Stott --- where he now coordinates all three ministries at Langham: Langham Scholars, Langham Literature and Langham Preaching. John Stott Ministries is the constituent member of LPI in the United States.
Dr. Wright, as the youngest of four children born to missionary parents, learned early that, “All our mission should be grounded in theological reflection, and all theology must result in missional outworking.” His words are a reflection of a lifetime of commitment to the strengthening of the church in the developing world through fostering leadership development, biblical preaching, literature and doctoral scholarships.
With a degree in theology and a PhD in Old Testament ethics from Cambridge University, Dr. Wright felt a call to teach and followed that call in a high school in his birthplace, Belfast, Northern Ireland. His background includes pastoring a local parish church and teaching at a leading evangelical seminary in India --- Union Biblical Seminary --- and at All Nations Christian College, England, where he served as dean and president for more than thirteen years.
Dr. Wright also serves as chair of the Lausanne Committee’s Theology Working Group --- an international group which seeks to address issues that confront the church in mission in the 21st century --- and as chair of the Theological Resource Panel of TEAR Fund, a leading Christian relief and development charity. As the author of many books, including LIVING AS THE PEOPLE OF GOD (AN EYE FOR AN EYE in the USA), GOD’S PEOPLE IN GOD’S LAND, KNOWING JESUS THROUGH THE OLD TESTAMENT, DEUTERONOMY IN THE NEW INTERNATIONAL BIBLICAL COMMENTARY, THE MESSAGE OF EZEKIEL in the Bible Speaks Today series, SALVATION BELONGS TO OUR GOD, OLD TESTAMENT ETHICS FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD and THE MISSION OF GOD, Dr. Wright says he has a particular desire to bring to life the relevance of the Old Testament to Christian mission and ethics.
He and his wife, Liz, live in London and have four adult children and five grandchildren.
Christopher J. H. Wright