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Week of February 6, 2017

Paperback releases for the week of February 6th include A MOTHER'S RECKONING, the acclaimed national bestseller by Sue Klebold about living in the aftermath of Columbine as she tries to come to terms with the incomprehensible; IN OTHER WORDS, Jhumpa Lahiri’s meditation on the process of learning to express herself in another language; BRITT-MARIE WAS HERE, Fredrick Backman's novel that celebrates the unexpected friendships that change us forever, and the power of even the gentlest of spirits to make the world a better place; and ALL THINGS CEASE TO APPEAR by Elizabeth Brundage, which combines noir and the gothic in a story about two families entwined in their own unhappiness, with, at its heart, a gruesome and unsolved murder.

Jhumpa Lahiri, author of In Other Words

Jhumpa Lahiri’s love for the Italian language first captivated and capsized her during a trip to Florence after college. Although Lahiri studied Italian for many years afterward, true mastery always eluded her. Seeking full immersion, she decides to move to Rome with her family, for “a trial by fire, a sort of baptism” into a new language and world. There, she begins to read, and to write --- initially in her journal --- solely in Italian.