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Jenny Lawson, author of Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things

In FURIOUSLY HAPPY, Jenny Lawson explores her lifelong battle with mental illness. A hysterical, ridiculous book about crippling depression and anxiety? That sounds like a terrible idea. But terrible ideas are what Jenny does best. This is a book about embracing everything that makes us who we are --- the beautiful and the flawed --- and then using it to find joy in fantastic and outrageous ways.

Week of February 6, 2017

Paperback releases for the week of February 6th include A MOTHER'S RECKONING, the acclaimed national bestseller by Sue Klebold about living in the aftermath of Columbine as she tries to come to terms with the incomprehensible; IN OTHER WORDS, Jhumpa Lahiri’s meditation on the process of learning to express herself in another language; BRITT-MARIE WAS HERE, Fredrick Backman's novel that celebrates the unexpected friendships that change us forever, and the power of even the gentlest of spirits to make the world a better place; and ALL THINGS CEASE TO APPEAR by Elizabeth Brundage, which combines noir and the gothic in a story about two families entwined in their own unhappiness, with, at its heart, a gruesome and unsolved murder.