Week of July 6, 2015
New in Paperback
Week of July 6, 2015

Releases for the week of July 6th include Anne Rice's PRINCE LESTAT, a long-awaited novel that picks up where THE VAMPIRE LESTAT left off more than a quarter of a century ago; WATCH ME, a follow-up memoir to A STORY LATELY TOLD, in which Academy Award-winning actress Anjelica Huston chronicles her 17-year love affair with Jack Nicholson, her rise to stardom, and her mastery of the craft of acting; LANDLINE, Rainbow Rowell's novel that asks if two people are ever truly on the same path, or whether love just means finding someone who will keep meeting you halfway, no matter where you end up; and DOUBLE AGENT by Peter Duffy, the never-before-told tale of the German-American who infiltrated New York’s Nazi underground in the days leading up to World War II.