Week of July 19, 2021
New in Paperback
Week of July 19, 2021

Paperback releases for the week of July 19th include THE WIFE WHO KNEW TOO MUCH by Michele Campbell, a decadent summer thriller about the lives of those who will do anything for love and money; HEAVEN AND EARTH, a powerful, epic novel of four friends as they grapple with desire, youth, death and faith in a sweeping story by Paolo Giordano, the international bestselling author of THE SOLITUDE OF PRIME NUMBERS; THE BONES OF WOLFE, James Carlos Blake's fifth Wolfe family adventure, in which Rudy and Frank Wolfe are engaging in routine miscellaneous business --- some legitimate and some less so --- for their family when they stumble upon a stash of high-quality pornographic films in a raid; and Rachel Cohn's AUSTEN YEARS, a deeply felt and sensitive examination of a writer’s relationship to reading, and to her own family, winding together memoir, criticism and biographical and historical material about Jane Austen herself.