A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
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About the Book
A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
Anthologized here for the first time, A HITCH IN TIME is a choice selection of Christopher Hitchens’ finest reviews, diary entries and essays --- along with a smattering of ferocious letters. Familiar bêtes noires --- Kennedy, Nixon, Kissinger and Clinton --- rub shoulders with lesser-known preoccupations: P.G. Wodehouse, Princess Margaret and, magisterially, Isaiah Berlin. Here is a banquet of entertaining stories ranging from his thoughts on Salman Rushdie to being spanked by Margaret Thatcher in The House of Lords and the night he took his son to the Oscars. The broad scope and high caliber of Hitchens’ essays allows his work to transcend the occasion for which it was written and continues to be essential reading.
A Hitch in Time: Reflections Ready for Reconsideration
- Publication Date: January 2, 2024
- Genres: Essays, Nonfiction, Political Science
- Hardcover: 336 pages
- Publisher: Twelve
- ISBN-10: 1538757656
- ISBN-13: 9781538757659