The Last Green Valley Bets On...

About the Book
The Last Green Valley
May 2021
Many readers know Mark Sullivan from his 2017 historical novel, BENEATH A SCARLET SKY, which was a mega-bestseller. I am predicting that the same sales will happen with his latest book, THE LAST GREEN VALLEY; it is just as well done.
The story opens in Ukraine in 1944, where the Martel family is offered two options: wait for Stalin to arrive, or run with the Nazis who vow to protect them. Neither is a great choice, but the Martels opt for the latter. This is known as a time when people were deciding whether to “wait for the bear” or “run with the wolves.” They already have known the days when Stalin starved them. What could be worse than that?
As ethnic Germans, their family had settled in Ukraine generations ago to farm land that was gifted to them by Catherine the Great. She needed skilled farmers, and she was not finding them among the serfs. Thus she recruited the Germans to work the land to feed the people. And for a very long time, that is exactly what happened. Until Stalin wielded his power. Now they feel it is safer to flee, so the Martels --- which include Emil, Adeline and their two young boys --- leave with a wagon driven by two horses. It’s like the settlers on the move in the American West about 100 years earlier. They huddle together as they head out, not sure what the future will bring.
Soon after, the Martels are forced to travel by train, with people packed together that feels eerily reminiscent of other trains that were moving Jews around Germany. They manage to salvage a small cart to carry their belongings --- a cart that will be with them for a long part of their trek, which is now mostly on foot. They are headed as far west as they can. Mrs. Martel has a vision of a beautiful green valley, one that she saw in a painting. Once they find that, she feels they will find their forever home. As they travel along with their extended family, they encounter challenges in rapid succession, but none is as tough as when Emil is plucked from this odyssey and sent back to the arms of the Russians. His parting words tell Adeline to go west, as far as she can, and he will find her.
I do not want to share more lest I give away the incredible story that unfolds. All I will say is that I found myself in tears towards the end of the book. I was filled with emotion reading about what this family both endured and overcame. It’s storytelling at its very finest.
In my “Bookreporter Talks To” interview with Mark, he explains how he came upon their story in his hometown of Bozeman, Montana; talks about his research trip to Ukraine with the two Martel brothers, who are now in their late 70s and 80s; and discusses pacing and what he learned from years of co-writing with James Patterson. Mark’s passion for his work comes through in his writing --- and in talking about his books.
Book groups, you will want to read and discuss this one!
The Last Green Valley
- Publication Date: May 4, 2021
- Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction
- Hardcover: 458 pages
- Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
- ISBN-10: 1503958760
- ISBN-13: 9781503958760