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Tom Pitts


Tom Pitts

Tom Pitts received his education firsthand on the streets of San Francisco. He remains there, writing, working and trying to survive. He is the author of two novellas, PIGGYBACK and KNUCKLEBALL. His shorts have been published in the usual spots by the usual suspects. Tom is also an acquisitions editor at Gutter Books and Out of the Gutter Online.

Tom Pitts

Books by Tom Pitts

by Tom Pitts - Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller

After being beaten and left for dead, Steven finds himself stranded alongside the 101 in a small Northern California town. When a mysterious stranger named Quinn offers a hand in exchange for help reuniting with his daughter in San Francisco, Steven gets in the car and begins a journey from which there is no return. With a coked-up sadist ex-cop chasing Quinn, and two mismatched small town cops chasing the ex-cop, Steven is unaware of the violent tempest brewing. Corrupt cops and death-dealing gangsters manipulate the maze each of them must navigate to get to the one thing they're all after: Teresa, the girl holding the secret that will rip open a decades-old scandal and scorch San Francisco's City Hall.