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Sheryl Loeffler


Sheryl Loeffler

Sheryl Loeffler is a writer (a poet) and musician (an organist and choral conductor) who lives and works in Canada, but who escapes to Malta and the blue Mediterranean as often and for as long as she can.

Sheryl Loeffler

Books by Sheryl Loeffler

by Sheryl Loeffler - Nonfiction, Poetry

Sensual, painterly, even prayerful, these 50 poems and 50 full-color original pictures by Sheryl Loeffler deepen into a land of legend and myth, an island populated, past and present, by saints, beggars and pirates, all of whom are blessed by "vivid geometries" of light. Sheryl Loeffler portrays Malta as a country awash in splendor and contradiction, "this land where Christians call God Alla."