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Rice Broocks


Rice Broocks

Rice Broocks is the cofounder of the Every Nation family of churches, which currently number more than 1,000 churches in more than 60 nations. He is also the senior minister of Bethel World Outreach Church in Nashville, Tenn., a multi-ethnic, multisite church, currently meeting in six locations. He is a graduate of Mississippi State University, has a master’s from Reformed Theological Seminary and a doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Rice Broocks

Books by Rice Broocks

by Rice Broocks - Christian, Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality

The goal of GOD'S NOT DEAD is to help readers develop “a faith that is real and credible --- and strong enough to help others find faith in God.” To that end, Rice Broocks outlines a roadmap that guides seekers to acknowledge the most basic truths of Christianity. Persuasive arguments crafted with tools borrowed from logic, science and philosophy, as well as scripture, solidify the faith of the Christian reader and provide starting points for discussions with skeptics.