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Nick Fuller Googins


Nick Fuller Googins

Nick Fuller Googins has published short stories and essays in The Paris Review, the Los Angeles Times, The Southern Review and elsewhere. He lives in Maine, and works as an elementary school teacher. THE GREAT TRANSITION is his first novel.

Nick Fuller Googins

Books by Nick Fuller Googins

by Nick Fuller Googins - Dystopian, Fiction, Science Fiction

Emi Vargas, whose parents helped save the world, is tired of being told how lucky she is to have been born after the climate crisis. But following the public assassination of a dozen climate criminals, Emi’s mother, Kristina, disappears as a possible suspect. A determined Emi and her father, Larch, journey from their home in Nuuk, Greenland, to New York City, now a lightly populated storm-surge outpost built from the ruins of the former metropolis. Thirty years earlier, Larch first came to New York with a team of volunteers to save the city from rising waters and torrential storms. Kristina was fighting massive wildfires that ravaged the western United States. They became part of a movement that changed the world --- The Great Transition --- forging a new society and finding each other in the process.