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Nick Chiles


Nick Chiles

Nick Chiles

Books by Nick Chiles

by Cam Perron with Nick Chiles - Nonfiction, Sports

At the age of 12, Cam Perron started writing letters to former Negro League players, asking for their autographs and a few words about their careers. He got back much more than he expected. By the time Cam finished middle school, letters had turned into phone calls, and he was spending hours a day talking with the players. In these conversations, many of the players revealed that their careers had been unrecognized over time, and they’d fallen out of touch with their former teammates. So Cam, along with a small group of fellow researchers, organized the first annual Negro League Players Reunion in Birmingham, Alabama in 2010. At the celebratory, week-long event, 15-year-old Cam and the players --- who were in their 70s, 80s and 90s --- finally met in person. They quickly became family.