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Moa Herngren


Moa Herngren

Moa Herngren is the Swedish author of the gripping and highly acclaimed relationship dramas THE MOTHER-IN-LAW and THE DIVORCE. Herngren is also a journalist, former editor-in-chief of Elle magazine, and a highly sought-after manuscript writer, as well as the co-creator and writer of the Netflix hit show "Bonus Family." She lives in Sweden.

Moa Herngren

Books by Moa Herngren

written by Moa Herngren, translated by Alice Menzies - Fiction, Women's Fiction

Bea couldn't be more excited to trade the stifling Stockholm summer heat for vacation on Gotland Island. She’s looking forward to spending quality time with her beloved husband, Niklas, and their two moody teenage daughters. One night shortly before their departure, Bea and Niklas have a seemingly mundane argument over a trivial issue, and Niklas goes out with a friend to blow off steam. As the hours pass, Niklas doesn’t come home, and Bea’s irritation soon gives way to panic as she imagines what kind of disaster might have happened to delay his return. What she soon learns will change her life forever. While her husband is fine, their marriage is not. Her kind, gentle pediatrician husband wants to leave her. But while this might seem like sudden insanity to Bea, for Niklas, it’s anything but.