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M.J. Carter


M.J. Carter

M. J. Carter is a former journalist and the author of two acclaimed works of nonfiction, ANTHONY BLUNT: HIS LIVES AND GEORGE, NICHOLAS AND WILHELM: THREE ROYAL COUSINS AND THE ROAD TO WORLD WAR I. She is married with two sons and lives in London.

M.J. Carter

Books by M.J. Carter

by M.J. Carter - Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery

William Avery is a young soldier with few prospects except rotting away in campaigns in India; Jeremiah Blake is a secret political agent gone native, a genius at languages and disguises, disenchanted with the whole ethos of British rule, but who cannot resist the challenge of an unresolved mystery. What starts as a wild goose chase for this unlikely pair --- trying to track down a missing writer who lifts the lid on Calcutta society --- becomes much more sinister as Blake and Avery get sucked into the mysterious Thuggee cult and its even more ominous suppression.