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Michelle Watson


Michelle Watson

Michelle Watson, PhD, LPC is the founder of The Abba Project, a ministry formed to help dads connect with their daughter’s hearts. She earned a B.S. in Biblical Education from Multnomah University, M.S. in Counseling Psychology from Lewis and Clark College, and PhD in Health Psychology from Walden University. She is a popular speaker on the topic of body image and also on faith, healing and relationships with audiences of teens, young adults, men and women.

Michelle Watson

Books by Michelle Watson

by Michelle Watson - Christian, Nonfiction, Parenting

Your daughter needs you to be her hero. In a time when young girls may be drifting toward unhealthy decisions and relationships, you can take action to transform your daughter's life, choices and future. Dr. Michelle Watson, founder of The Abba Project, packs your parenting tool box with ideas, encouragements, timely information, dialogue helps and biblical wisdom to show you how to be a good dad.