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Michael Rudolph


Michael Rudolph

Michael Rudolph is a retired Park Avenue attorney, an ex–New Yorker, and an ex–Connecticut Dodger. His idea of nirvana is to sail off into a Caribbean sunset with his wife, Elizabeth, their golden retriever and a handful of grandchildren. He sailed his own sailboat on Long Island Sound for many years and chartered other sailboats for extended cruising in the Caribbean. He polished his sailing techniques and blue-water skills with many classes in navigation and seamanship. NOBLE CHASE is his first novel.

Michael Rudolph

Books by Michael Rudolph

by Michael Rudolph - Crime, Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller

Beth Swahn, a young lawyer, makes a rookie mistake when she believes her client. Because of her naïveté, Leonard Sloane, president of a U.S. division of C. K. Leung’s Chinese conglomerate, has absconded to the Caribbean with his banker girlfriend and 70 million dollars of the judgment money. While attempting to retrieve Leung’s money and save her firm from bankruptcy, she falls for Sloane’s handsome son, and his torn between her attraction for him and fear that he may be involved in the theft.