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Mary Roach


Mary Roach

Mary Roach is the author of five bestselling works of nonfiction, including GRUNT, STIFF and, most recently, FUZZ. Her writing has appeared in National Geographic and the New York Times Magazine, among other publications. She lives in Oakland, California.

Mary Roach

Books by Mary Roach

by Mary Roach - Humor, Nonfiction, Science

What’s to be done about a jaywalking moose? A bear caught breaking and entering? A murderous tree? Three hundred years ago, animals that broke the law would be assigned legal representation and put on trial. These days, as Mary Roach discovers, the answers are best found not in jurisprudence but in science: the curious science of human-wildlife conflict, a discipline at the crossroads of human behavior and wildlife biology. Combining little-known forensic science and conservation genetics with a motley cast of laser scarecrows, langur impersonators and trespassing squirrels, Roach reveals as much about humanity as about nature’s lawbreakers.

by Mary Roach - Nonfiction, Social Sciences

GRUNT tackles the science behind some of a soldier's most challenging adversaries --- panic, exhaustion, heat, noise --- and introduces us to the scientists who seek to conquer them. Mary Roach answers questions not found in any other book on the military: Why is DARPA interested in ducks? How is a wedding gown like a bomb suit? Why are shrimp more dangerous to sailors than sharks? Take a tour of duty with Roach, and you’ll never see our nation’s defenders in the same way again.

by Mary Roach - Humor, Nonfiction, Science

Why is crunchy food so appealing? Why is it so hard to find words for flavors and smells? Why doesn’t the stomach digest itself? How much can you eat before your stomach bursts? Can constipation kill you? Did it kill Elvis? In GULP, we meet scientists who tackle the questions no one else thinks of --- or has the courage to ask.