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Martin Makary


Martin Makary

Dr. Marty Makary is the New York Times bestselling author of UNACCOUNTABLE: What Hospitals Won’t Tell You and How Transparency Can Revolutionize Health Care. As associate professor at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Makary has written for The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and, among others.

Martin Makary

Books by Martin Makary

by Martin Makary and Ellen Vaughn - Biography, Christian, Nonfiction

Since 1997, Maggie Gobran and her organization Stephen’s Children have been changing lives in Cairo’s notorious zabala, or garbage slums. Her innovative, transformational work has garnered worldwide fame and multiple Nobel Prize nominations, but her full story has remained untold --- until now. Bestselling authors Martin Makary and Ellen Vaughn chronicle Mama Maggie’s surprising pilgrimage from privileged child to stylish businesswoman to college professor pondering God’s call to change.