Marshall Karp
Marshall Karp
Marshall Karp is a #1 internationally bestselling author, TV and screenwriter, documentarian and playwright. Teaming up with James Patterson, Marshall co-created and co-wrote the NYPD Red series, which features Detectives Kylie MacDonald and Zach Jordan as members of an elite police task force dedicated to solving crimes committed against, and sometimes by, New York City’s rich and famous. After six bestsellers, Marshall has carried the series forward on his own, beginning with NYPD RED 7: THE MURDER SORORITY.
Marshall is also the author of SNOWSTORM IN AUGUST and DON'T TELL ME HOW TO DIE, as well as the critically acclaimed Lomax and Biggs mysteries, featuring LAPD Detectives Mike Lomax and Terry Biggs, who work homicide out of the famed Los Angeles Hollywood Division.
For over 20 years, Marshall has worked closely with the international charity Vitamin Angels, providing tens of millions of mothers and children around the globe with lifesaving vitamins and nutrients.
Marshall Karp