Laurie R. King

Mary Russell series
The Beekeeper's Apprentice (1994)
A Monstrous Regiment of Women (1995)
A Letter of Mary (1997)
The Moor (1998)
O Jerusalem (1999)
Justice Hall (2002)
The Game (2004)
Locked Rooms (2005)
The Language of Bees (2009)
The God of the Hive (2010)
Pirate King (2011)
Garment of Shadows (2012)
Dreaming Spies (2015)
Kate Martinelli series
A Grave Talent (1993)
To Play the Fool (1995)
With Child (1996)
Night Work (2000)
The Art of Detection (2006)
Other Novels
A Darker Place (1999)
Folly (2001)
Keeping Watch (2003)
Califia's Daughters (2004) - written as Leigh Richards
Touchstone (2007)
ECHOES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES: Stories Inspired by the Holmes Canon (edited) (2016)
Laurie R. King