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Lara Williams


Lara Williams

Lara Williams is the author of the short story collection A SELFIE AS BIG AS THE RITZ, and her writing has been featured in The Guardian, The Independent, Vice, the Times Literary Supplement, McSweeney’s and elsewhere. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and is featured in BEST BRITISH SHORT STORIES 2017. She writes and teaches creative writing at Manchester Metropolitan University. She lives in Manchester, England.

Lara Williams

Books by Lara Williams

by Lara Williams - Fiction, Women's Fiction

Roberta spends her life trying not to take up space. At almost 30, she is adrift and alienated from life. Stuck in a mindless job and reluctant to pursue her passion for food, she suppresses her appetite and recedes to the corners of rooms. But when she meets Stevie, a spirited and effervescent artist, their intense friendship sparks a change in Roberta, a shift in her desire for more. Together, they invent the Supper Club, a transgressive and joyous collective of women who gather to celebrate, rather than admonish, their hungers. Yet as the club expands, growing in both size and rebellion, Roberta is forced to reconcile herself to the desire and vulnerabilities of the body --- and the past she has worked so hard to repress.

by Lara Williams - Fiction, Short Stories

The women in Lara Williams’ debut story collection navigate the tumultuous interval between early 20s and middle age. In the title story, a relationship implodes against the romantic backdrop of Paris. In “One of Those Life Things,” a young woman struggles to say the right thing at her best friend’s abortion. In “Penguins,” a girlfriend tries to accept her boyfriend’s bizarre sexual fantasy. As Williams’ characters attempt to lean in, fall in love, hold together a family, fend off loneliness, and build a meaningful life, we see them alternating between expectation and resignation, giddiness and melancholy, the rollercoaster we all find ourselves on.