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Krystelle Bamford


Krystelle Bamford

Krystelle Bamford’s work has appeared in The American Poetry Review, The Kenyon Review, bath magg, Under the Radar, The Scores and numerous anthologies, including the Best New British and Irish Poets 2019–2021. She is a 2019 Primers poet and was awarded a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award. Raised in the US, she now lives in Edinburgh with her partner and children. IDLE GROUNDS is her first novel.

Krystelle Bamford

Books by Krystelle Bamford

by Krystelle Bamford - Fiction, Magical Realism

Lingering at the edge of a family party, a troop of cousins loses track of the youngest child among them. With their parents preoccupied with bickering about decades-old crises, the children decide they must set out to investigate themselves --- to the rickety chicken coop, the barn and its two troublesome horses, and into the woods that once comprised their late grandmother’s property. The more the children search, and the deeper they walk, the more threatening the woods become and the more lost they are, caught between their aunt’s home in the present day, their parents’ childhood home just through the trees, and the memory of the house their grandmother grew up in. Soon, what began as a quest for answers gives way to a journey that undermines everything they’ve been told about who they are, where they came from and what they deserve.