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Kerry Cohen


Kerry Cohen

Kerry Cohen is a psychologist and licensed therapist, specializing in sex and relationships, writing faculty at The Red Earth Low-Residency MFA, and the author of LOOSE GIRL, GIRL TROUBLE: An Illustrated Memoir, DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS, SEEING EZRA; the young adult novels EASY, THE GOOD GIRL and IT'S NOT YOU, IT'S ME; SPENT, an anthology of 30 astounding essays concerning women and shopping; and THE TRUTH OF MEMOIR.

Kerry Cohen

Books by Kerry Cohen

by Kerry Cohen - Memoir, Nonfiction

When LOOSE GIRL author Kerry Cohen reached her early 40s, she realized she had a drinking problem. Yes, she could get up on time, bring her kids to school, make dinner, chat with friends, and all around have a normal day. But, throughout it all, Kerry was waiting for her 5:00 glass of wine. Maybe two glasses. Maybe a bottle. Just enough to blur the edges of her life that had become a monotony of vacuuming, carpooling and disagreements with her husband. What she also realized was: she wasn't the only one. LUSH examines Kerry's struggle with alcohol, a struggle that a rising number of middle-aged women are facing today as alcohol dependency amongst females drastically increases.