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Kay Wills Wyma


Kay Wills Wyma

Kay Wills Wyma has five kids, ages 4 to 14, and one SUV with a lot of carpool miles. She holds a bachelor's from Baylor University and an MIM from the American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird). Before transitioning to stay-at-home mom, she held positions at the White House, the Staubach Company, and Bank of America. She and her husband, Jon, live with their family in the Dallas area.

Kay Wills Wyma

Books by Kay Wills Wyma

by Kay Wills Wyma - Christian, Christian Living, Nonfiction, Parenting

As parents, so often we do everything we can for our kids --- unintentionally reinforcing their belief that the world revolves around them. When Kay Wyma realized that an attitude of entitlement had crept into her home, this mother of five got some attitude of her own. CLEANING HOUSE is her account of a year-long campaign to introduce her kids to basic life skills.