Katey Zeh
Katey Zeh
Katey Zeh is an expert in engaging communities of faith in advocacy for gender justice both locally and globally. With a Masters of Divinity from Yale Divinity School, she brings a theologically grounded, pragmatic approach to social change. As a strategist, writer and educator, Katey inspires intentional communities to create a more just, compassionate world through building connection, sacred truth telling and striving for the common good.
Katey is a prominent and innovative thinker around faith-based efforts to bring about a more just world for women and girls. In 2010, she launched the first and only denominationally sponsored advocacy campaign focused on improving global reproductive health for The United Methodist Church. The Center for American Progress named Zeh one of “14 Faith Leaders to Watch in 2014” for “offering crucial reporting on reproductive justice issues… [using] her theological training and policy expertise to decry unfair policies that hurt women and to lift up the stories of those affected.”
A highly sought after speaker on issues related to women and the church, Katey has presented at conferences and events across the country, including the recent Sojourners Summit for Change and the United Methodist Women’s National Seminar.
She has written extensively about global maternal health, family planning and women’s sacred worth. She has contributed online and print articles to the Huffington Post, Religion Dispatches, Response magazine, the Good Mother Project, Mothering Matters, the Journal for Feminist Studies in Religion, and the United Methodist News Service, among other outlets.
Katey Zeh