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Karl Taro Greenfeld


Karl Taro Greenfeld

Karl Taro Greenfeld is the author of the novel TRIBURBIA and the acclaimed memoir BOY ALONE. His award-winning writing has appeared in Harper's Magazine, The Atlantic, The Paris Review, Best American Short Stories 2009 and 2013 and The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2012. Born in Kobe, Japan, he has lived in Paris, Hong Kong, and Tokyo, and currently lives in Pacific Palisades, California, with his wife, Silka, and their daughters, Esmee and Lola.

Karl Taro Greenfeld

Books by Karl Taro Greenfeld

by Karl Taro Greenfeld - Fiction

Thrown together by circumstance, a group of fathers meet each morning at a local coffee shop after walking their children to their exclusive school. Over the course of a single year, we learn about their dreams deferred, their secrets and mishaps, their passions and hopes, as they confront terrible truths about ambition, wealth and sex.