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Josh Malerman


Josh Malerman

Josh Malerman is a New York Times bestselling author and one of two singer/songwriters for the rock band The High Strung. His debut novel, BIRD BOX, is the inspiration for the hit Netflix film of the same name. His other novels include DAPHNE, PEARL, SPIN A BLACK YARN and MALORIE, the sequel to BIRD BOX. Malerman lives in Michigan with his fiancée, the artist-musician Allison Laakko.

Josh Malerman

Books by Josh Malerman

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Horror, Supernatural Thriller, Suspense, Thriller

To eight-year-old Bela, her family is her world. There’s Mommy, Daddo and Grandma Ruth. But there is also Other Mommy, a malevolent entity who asks her every day, “Can I go inside your heart?” When horrifying incidents around the house signal that Other Mommy is growing tired of asking Bela the question over and over, Bela understands that unless she says yes, her family will soon pay. Other Mommy is getting restless, stronger and bolder. Only the bonds of family can keep Bela safe, but other incidents show cracks in her parents’ marriage. The safety Bela relies on is about to unravel. But Other Mommy needs an answer.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Horror, Suspense, Thriller

Josh Malerman spins five twisted tales from the shadows of the human soul. A sister insists to her little brother that “Half the House Is Haunted” by a strange presence. But is it the house that’s haunted --- or their childhoods? In “Argyle,” a dying man confesses to homicides he never committed and reveals long-kept secrets far more sinister than murder. A tourist takes the ultimate trip to outer space in “The Jupiter Drop,” but the real journey is into his own dark past. In “Doug and Judy Buy the House Washer™,” a couple buys the latest home gadget only to find themselves trapped by their possessions, their history…and each other. And in “Egorov,” a wealthy old cretin murders a young man, not knowing the victim was a triplet. The two surviving brothers stage a savage faux-haunting with the aim of driving him mad.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Horror, Suspense, Thriller

It’s the last summer for Kit Lamb: The last summer before college. The last summer with her high school basketball team, and with Dana, her best friend. The last summer before her life begins. But the night before the big game, one of the players tells a ghost story about Daphne, a girl who went to their school many years ago and died under mysterious circumstances. Some say she was murdered, others that she died by her own hand. And some say that Daphne is a murderer herself. They also say that she is still out there and will appear to kill again anytime someone thinks about her. After Kit hears the story, her teammates vanish, one by one, and she begins to suspect that the stories about Daphne are real…and fears that her own mind is conjuring the killer.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Horror, Supernatural Thriller, Suspense, Thriller

There’s something strange about Walter Kopple’s farm. At first it seems to be his grandson, who cruelly murders one of Walter’s pigs in an act of seemingly senseless violence. But then people in town begin to whisper that Walter’s grandson heard a voice commanding him to kill. And that the voice belongs to a most peculiar creature: the pig named Pearl. Walter is not sure what to believe. He knows he’s always been afraid of the strangely malevolent Pearl. But as madness and paranoia grip the town and the townspeople descend on Walter’s farm with violent wrath, they begin to discover that true evil wears a human face.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Horror, Supernatural Thriller, Suspense, Thriller

Goblin seems like any other ordinary small town. But with Josh Malerman as your tour guide, you’ll discover the secrets that hide behind its closed doors. These six novellas --- "A Man in Slices," "Kamp," "Happy Birthday, Hunter!," "Presto," "A Mix-Up at the Zoo" and "The Hedges" --- tell the story of a place where the rain is always falling, nighttime is always near, and your darkest fears and desires await.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Horror, Supernatural Thriller, Suspense, Thriller

Twelve years after Malorie and her children rowed up the river to safety, a blindfold is still the only thing that stands between sanity and madness. One glimpse of the creatures that stalk the world will drive a person to unspeakable violence. All Malorie can do is survive --- and impart her fierce will to do so on her children. But then comes what feels like impossible news. And with it, the first time Malorie has allowed herself to hope. Someone very dear to her, someone she believed dead, may be alive. Malorie has a harrowing choice to make: to live by the rules of survival that have served her so well, or to venture into the darkness and reach for hope once more.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Magical Realism

Young lovers who are anxious to connect agree to a first date, thinking outside of the box. At 17 years old, James and Amelia can feel the rest of their lives beginning. They have this summer and this summer alone to experience the extraordinary. But they didn’t expect to find it in a house at the bottom of a lake. The house is cold and dark, but it’s also their own. Caution be damned, until being carefree becomes dangerous. For the teens must decide: swim deeper into the house --- all the while falling deeper in love? Whatever they do, they will never be able to turn their backs on what they discovered together. And what they learned: Just because a house is empty doesn’t mean nobody’s home.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Psychological Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Suspense, Thriller

J is a student at a school deep in a forest far away from the rest of the world. He is one of only 26 students, all of whom think of the school’s enigmatic founder as their father. The students are being trained to be prodigies of art, science and athletics, and their life at the school is all they know --- and all they are allowed to know. But J is beginning to ask questions. What is the real purpose of this place? Why can the students never leave? And what secrets is their father hiding from them? Meanwhile, on the other side of the forest, in a school very much like J’s, a girl named K is asking the same questions. As K and J work to investigate the secrets of their two strange schools, they come to discover something even more mysterious: each other.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Horror, Western

Carol Evers is a woman with a dark secret. She has died many times, but her deaths are not final: They are comas, a waking slumber indistinguishable from death, each lasting days. Only two people know of Carol’s eerie condition. One is her husband, Dwight, who married Carol for her fortune, and --- when she lapses into another coma --- plots to seize it by proclaiming her dead and quickly burying her…alive. The other is her lost love, the infamous outlaw James Moxie. When word of Carol’s dreadful fate reaches him, Moxie rides the Trail again to save his beloved from an early, unnatural grave. And all the while, Carol fights to free herself from the crippling darkness that binds her.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Horror, Psychological Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Suspense, Thriller

The Danes are a washed-up band, eager to once again have a number one hit. That is, until an agent from the US Army approaches them. Will they travel to an African desert and track down the source of a mysterious and malevolent sound? So they embark on a harrowing journey through the scorching desert --- a trip that takes their front man, Philip Tonka, into the heart of an ominous and twisted conspiracy. Meanwhile, a nurse named Ellen tends to a patient recovering from a near-fatal accident. The circumstances that led to his injuries are mysterious --- and his body heals at a remarkable rate. Ellen will do the impossible for this enigmatic patient, who reveals more about his accident with each passing day.

by Josh Malerman - Fiction, Horror, Suspense, Thriller

Something terrifying is out there that must not be seen. One glimpse and a person is driven to deadly violence. Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remain, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now that the boy and girl are four, it is time to go. But the journey ahead will be terrifying --- one wrong choice and they will die. And something is following them.