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Joseph Lezza


Joseph Lezza

Joseph Lezza is a writer and proud son of Italian immigrants and a decorated war veteran. He currently resides on the East Coast where he bides his time between autumns sporting a pair of white Chucks and drinking obscene amounts of coffee. He is the author of the memoir I'M NEVER FINE: Scenes and Spasms on Loss. Holding an MFA in creative writing from The University of Texas at El Paso, his work has seen publication in, among others, Variant Literature, The Hopper, Occulum Journal, Unstamatic, West Trade Review and Santa Fe Writers Project. When he’s not writing, he spends his time worrying about why he’s not writing.

Joseph Lezza

Books by Joseph Lezza

by Joseph Lezza - Memoir, Nonfiction

When Joseph Lezza caught himself wishing necrotizing skin infections upon unhurried retirees in the self-checkout lane, and fantasized about loud-talking commuters making quick friends with the underside of a steamroller, he began to wonder if he was fine. Of all the things Joseph could have been, he certainly wasn't fine. The "fine" he'd adopted watching his father succumb to cancer was beginning to wane. It could no longer be used as a shield to melt the face off of anyone who dared to inquire. All the "fines" prophesized in every article, every book and every inspirational meme had lost their value. When Joseph realized he was facing a future that would find him standing over the carcass of an overzealous Costco greeter, one thing became clear: moving on required looking back.