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Joe McGinniss Jr.


Joe McGinniss Jr.

Joe McGinniss Jr. is the author of CAROUSEL COURT and THE DELIVERY MAN. He lives in Washington, DC, with his family.

Joe McGinniss Jr.

Books by Joe McGinniss Jr.

by Joe McGinniss Jr. - Fiction

Nick and Phoebe Maguire are a young couple who move cross-country to Southern California in search of a fresh start for themselves and their infant son following a trauma. But they arrive at the worst possible economic time, cemented into the dark heart of foreclosure alley and surrounded by neighbors swamped by debt who set fire to their belongings, flee in the dead of night, and eye one another with suspicion while keeping shotguns by their beds. Trapped, broke and increasingly desperate, Nick and Phoebe each devise their own plan to claw their way back into the middle class and beyond. Hatched under one roof, their two separate, secret agendas will inevitably collide.