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Jessica Moor


Jessica Moor

Jessica Moor grew up in southwest London. She received a degree in English literature at Cambridge University before working in the culture and charity sectors and obtained an MA in creative writing from the University of Manchester. She lives in Berlin.

Jessica Moor

Books by Jessica Moor

by Jessica Moor - Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller

When Katie Straw's body is pulled from the waters of the local suicide spot, the police are ready to write it off as a standard-issue female suicide. But the residents of the domestic violence shelter where Katie worked disagree. These women have spent weeks or even years waiting for the men they're running from to catch up with them. They know immediately: This was murder. Still, Detective Dan Whitworth and his team expect an open-and-shut case --- until they discover evidence that suggests Katie wasn't who she appeared.