Jessica Dee Humphreys
Jessica Dee Humphreys
Jessica Dee Humphreys writes books about things that matter to young people (and grown-ups).
Whenever she meets someone with a really important story to share, she wants to help them tell it. Often, they will write a book together! This has led to many exciting projects, including her first book specifically for children, CHILD SOLDIER: How Boys and Girls Are Used in War. This is her second book about child soldiers, and she really hopes that the leaders of tomorrow who read it will ensure there is no need for another.
Jessica prefers to be called Jessie, which is what all her favorite adults called her when she was a kid. Jessie grew up reading. She read her first book (Oscar Otter) when she was three years old. From then on, Jessie read all the time. She read all through school, she read all through university, she read while walking to work, she read in the shower. She read new books and classic books, funny books and sweet books, strange books and beautiful books. Jessie read her favorite books over and over again. She has read all of the Anne of Green Gables books dozens of times (her most beloved is Anne of the Island).
And then she started writing.
Jessie lives with her husband and their little boy in a big city most of the time. But sometimes they live on a tiny island near the woods, where Jessie rereads TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD every summer, lying in a hammock.
Jessica Dee Humphreys